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 如何增強畫面視覺衝擊力  How to enhance the visual impact of the picture

如何增強畫面視覺衝擊力 How to enhance the visual impact of the picture

如何增強畫面視覺衝擊力大家都希望作品能更吸引人,而作品吸引人的關鍵在於畫面的視覺衝擊。 Everyone hopes that the work can be more attractive, and the key to the attractiveness of a work lies in the visual impact of the picture. 增強畫面視覺衝擊力的4種方式,可以讓你的作品更引人注目。 4 ways to enhance the visual impact of your images to make your work more eye-catching善從局部提煉特徵 Be good at extracting features from the details 不要經常大而全的照片,而要把注意力放到局部, 局部細節是最豐富的.當你放大畫面就會發現,局部有神奇的線條和各種有趣的形狀Don’t take large and comprehensive photos often but focus on the details the details of the local area are the richest,when you zoom in on the picture, you will find,the local area has magical lines and various interesting shapes 聚焦重複構成 Focus on repeated composition 完美的線條與規則的幾何外形 Perfect lines and regular geometric shapes, 透過一定的規律重複或排布 Through certain regular repetition or arrangement, 畫面會產生一種均衡而震撼的美感 the picture will produce a balanced and shocking beauty.在自然界中可能很難尋找到具有 It may be difficult to find objects 規則幾何外形的物體 with regular geometric shapes in nature但在都市生活中卻十分常見 but they are very common in urban life.大到高樓大廈的外形,小到統一規格密集擺放的椅子,生活中處處充滿了規律、重複而富有韻律性的美。 From the shape of tall buildings to the densely packed chairs of uniform specifications, life is full of regular, repetitive and rhythmic beauty.善用對比對比的形式有很多種。只要畫面各元素之間存在顯著的色彩、體積、明暗等方面的差異,就可以創造對比。在色彩上,創造大片暖色與冷色的對比;在光影上,創造大片明與暗的對比;在體積上,創造極大與極小的對比。總而言之,只要各元素在某一方面有顯著差異,能形成彼此相對,或相互呼應的關係,就可以用來創造對比。增加對比元素的數量與規模,也是創造「強」對比的好方法。俗話說得好,「對比不夠,數量來湊」嘛。如下圖,葉子不是很紅,天也不是很藍,但如果在畫面中出現大片紅葉和藍天,對比還是很鮮明的。Make good use of contrastContrast can take many forms. Contrast can be created as long as there are significant differences in color, volume, light and darkness between the elements of the picture.In terms of color, create large-scale contrasts between warm and cool colors; in terms of light and shadow, create large-scale contrasts between light and dark; in terms of volume, create contrasts between the extremely large and the extremely small.In short, as long as the elements are significantly different in some aspect and can form a relationship of opposition or mutual echo, they can be used to create contrast. Increasing the number and size of contrasting elements is also a good way to create "strong" contrast.As the old saying goes, "If contrast isn't enough, quantity makes up for it." As shown in the picture below, the leaves are not very red and the sky is not very blue, but if there are large areas of red leaves and blue sky in the picture, the contrast is still very clear.利用對比需要注意的是,參與對比的元素不要太多。兩、三種元素的相互對比,才能形成相互呼應的感覺,如果超過五種畫面會很亂,對比的感覺反而不明顯了。When using contrast, it is important to note that there should not be too many elements involved in the contrast. Only the contrast between two or three elements can form a feeling of mutual echo. If there are more than five elements, the picture will be messy and the feeling of contrast will not be obvious./End.


是不是覺得武士持刀得姿勢很厲害、很酷、很帥呢?那個小夥伴知道持刀的姿勢該怎麼畫嗎?今天就來分享日本刀帥氣姿勢的畫法。刀是無機物,從很久以前就和人一起經歷過了時代有歷史的東西,可以認為它不是單純的金屬物質,而是有靈魂的(所謂刀魂)。在描繪擁有刀的角色時,主體不是角色而是「刀」。作為戰鬥道具自然是不用說的,在神社被供奉等,也會祭神儀式被使用。隱藏著這種力量的刀要有相應的表現力。如果以這種刀為主體的話,角色會有什麼樣的姿勢呢?1、把刀擺在前面的基本構圖試著考慮一下刀的魅力的姿勢有什麼。用以下兩種姿勢來考慮。A、沒有特別的動作,只是把刀放在前面的話把刀擺在前面的姿勢同上一樣的,改變頭的角度和手臂的伸展,加上身體的姿勢無論是哪一個,都是“把刀在角色前面的構圖”,是以刀為主體的最簡單的構圖。根據場景等不同來判斷哪個更好的話,因為都差不多所以沒有哪個比哪個更好,但B可能看起來會比較酷。簡單來說,「把刀放在前面」容易把劍帶到主角,但透過對主人採取行動,成為主角的劍也看起來更有力。2、over size的魅力展現方法以下是以極端的構圖例子和現實的構圖例子來表示的。極端的構圖例子這是使刀自身看起來很大的構圖。看圖的時候,刀的存在最讓人注目。即使多少有些脫離現實,不管怎樣都會展現出魅力。現實的構圖例子現實中有同樣的姿勢的話,當然不能像A一樣。想畫出真實感的現實姿勢時,要注意把刀和角色的大小做比較,不要過於誇張。像A 那樣變成over size的話,雖然不現實,但如果只是以「帥氣」來考慮的話是可以的。表現出比人物更大的感覺,在現實中不可能的部分變現在插圖中“魅力價值”將會上升,比如通過反复塗抹刀刃等部分刀劍來增強劍的存在,這在現實中是不可能的。3.姿勢以外展示魅力的方法用「把刀放在前面的構圖」的姿勢對比中,我會用Ⓐ來解釋。如前所述,B在簡單的動作方面看起來很酷,但如下圖所示,通過將運動附加到除身體之外的部分而不附加到角色身體的運動,在保持“刀”為主角的同時,可以在人身上創造安靜的存在。刀和身體保持靜止的狀態,只有頭髮和衣服上有被風吹動的感覺。把刀比角色放在前面,不受頭髮和衣服的運動的干擾,這樣可以把刀作為主角看起來很帥。4.姿勢的例子現在以刀為主角來介紹各種各樣的姿勢。劍的存在盡可能放在眼前,這種構圖會把把刀尖大大放大。把刀筆直地豎著是一個標準姿勢。透過遮擋一半角色的構圖,能夠更強烈地展現出刀的存在。加上光的效果,在畫面的正中央附近放置的話,可以將視線轉向刀的構圖。和最初的姿勢一樣,第一個映入眼簾就是刀。以上就是關於拿刀的姿勢相關內容了,希望對各位小夥伴有幫助~
GGUF and Flux full fp16 Model] loading T5, CLIP

GGUF and Flux full fp16 Model] loading T5, CLIP

on Aug 13Support All Flux Models for Ablative ExperimentsDownload base model and vae (raw float16) from Flux official here and here.Download clip-l and t5-xxl from here or our mirrorPut base model in models\Stable-diffusion.Put vae in models\VAEPut clip-l and t5 in models\text_encoderPossible optionsYou can load in nearly arbitrary combinationsetc ...Fun factNow you can even load clip-l for sd1.5 separatelyGGUFDownload vae (raw float16, 'ae.safetensors' ) from Flux official here or here.Download clip-l and t5-xxl from here or our mirrorDownload GGUF models here or here.Put base model in models\Stable-diffusion.Put vae in models\VAEPut clip-l and t5 in models\text_encoderBelow are some comments copied from elsewhereAlso people need to notice that GGUF is a pure compression tech, which means it is smaller but also slower because it has extra steps to decompress tensors and computation is still pytorch. (unless someone is crazy enough to port llama.cpp compilers) (UPDATE Aug 24: Someone did it!! Congratulations to leejet for porting it to stable-diffusion.cpp here. Now people need to take a look at more possibilities for a cpp backend...)BNB (NF4) is computational acceleration library to make things faster by replacing pytorch ops with native low-bit cuda kernels, so that computation is faster.NF4 and Q4_0 should be very similar, with the difference that Q4_0 has smaller chunk size and NF4 has more gaussian-distributed quants. I do not recommend to trust comparisons of one or two images. And, I also want to have smaller chunk size in NF4 but it seems that bnb hard coded some thread numbers and changing that is non trivial.However Q4_1 and Q4_K are technically granted to be more precise than NF4, but with even more computation overheads – and such overheads may be more costly than simply moving higher precision weight from CPU to GPU. If that happens then the quant lose the point.And Q8 is always more precise than FP8 ( and a bit slower than fp8Precision: fp16 >> Q8 > Q4Precision For Q8: Q8_K (not available) >Q8_1 (not available) > Q8_0 >> fp8Precision For Q4: Q4K_S >> Q4_1 > Q4_0Precision NF4: between Q4_1 and Q4_0, may be slightly better or worse since they are in different metric systemSpeed (if not offload, e.g., 80GB VRAM H100) from fast to slow: fp16 ≈ NF4 > fp8 >> Q8 > Q4_0 >> Q4_1 > Q4K_S > othersSpeed (if offload, e.g., 8GB VRAM) from fast to slow: NF4 > Q4_0 > Q4_1 ≈ fp8 > Q4K_S > Q8_0 > Q8_1 > others ≈ fp16


FLUX WebUI simple app for running FLUX locally, powered by Diffusers & Gradio, comes with 2 models: 1. FLUX1 Schnell: Fast image generation with 4 steps 2. FLUX1 Merged: Flux1 dev quality with just 8 steps (via) Run Locally (Mac, Linux, Windows)通量網路使用者介面 一個非常簡單的應用程序,用於在本地運行 FLUX,由 Diffusers 和 Gradio 提供支持,有 2 個模型: 1. FLUX1 Schnell:4步驟快速產生影像 2. FLUX1 Merged:Flux1 開發品質只需 8 個步驟(透過 ) 本機運行(Mac、Linux、Windows)
X-Flux ControlNet V3 (Canny, Depth, Hed) Comfyui

X-Flux ControlNet V3 (Canny, Depth, Hed) Comfyui

DescriptionDownload Custom NodesLingko-x-Flux-Comfyui workflows the CMD/Shell and do the following:Go to ComfyUI/custom_nodesClone this repo, path should be ComfyUI/custom_nodes/x-flux-comfyui/*, where * is all the files in this repoGo to ComfyUI/custom_nodes/x-flux-comfyui/ and run python setup.pyRun ComfyUI after installing and enjoy!your /ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ folder Open the CMD/Shell Rungit clone is trained on 1024x1024 resolution and works for 1024x1024 resolution. v3 version - better and realistic version, which can be used directly in ComfyUI!Downloads:X-Flux-Comfyui Node flux-canny-controlnet-v3.safetensors flux-depth-controlnet-v3.safetensors flux-hed-controlnet-v3.safetensors
ReActor Node for ComfyUI (Face Swap)

ReActor Node for ComfyUI (Face Swap)

ReActor Node for ComfyUI 👉Downlond👈 Fast and Simple Face Swap Extension Node for ComfyUI, based on ReActor SD-WebUI Face Swap ExtensionThis Node goes without NSFW filter (uncensored, use it on your own responsibility)| Installation | Usage | Troubleshooting | Updating | Disclaimer | Credits | Note!✨What's new in the latest update✨💡0.5.1 ALPHA1Support of GPEN 1024/2048 restoration models (available in the HF dataset👈[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*ReActorFaceBoost Node - an attempt to improve the quality of swapped faces. The idea is to restore and scale the swapped face (according to the face_size parameter of the restoration model) BEFORE pasting it to the target image (via inswapper algorithms), more information is here (PR#321)InstallationSD WebUI: AUTOMATIC1111 or SD.NextStandalone (Portable) ComfyUI for WindowsUsageYou can find ReActor Nodes inside the menu ReActor or by using a search (just type "ReActor" in the search field)List of Nodes:••• Main Nodes •••💡ReActorFaceSwap (Main Node Download)👈[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*ReActorFaceSwapOpt (Main Node with the additional Options input)ReActorOptions (Options for ReActorFaceSwapOpt)ReActorFaceBoost (Face Booster Node)ReActorMaskHelper (Masking Helper)••• Operations with Face Models •••ReActorSaveFaceModel (Save Face Model)ReActorLoadFaceModel (Load Face Model)ReActorBuildFaceModel (Build Blended Face Model)ReActorMakeFaceModelBatch (Make Face Model Batch)••• Additional Nodes •••ReActorRestoreFace (Face Restoration)ReActorImageDublicator (Dublicate one Image to Images List)ImageRGBA2RGB (Convert RGBA to RGB)Connect all required slots and run the query.Main Node Inputsinput_image - is an image to be processed (target image, analog of "target image" in the SD WebUI extension);Supported Nodes: "Load Image", "Load Video" or any other nodes providing images as an output;source_image - is an image with a face or faces to swap in the input_image (source image, analog of "source image" in the SD WebUI extension);Supported Nodes: "Load Image" or any other nodes providing images as an output;face_model - is the input for the "Load Face Model" Node or another ReActor node to provide a face model file (face embedding) you created earlier via the "Save Face Model" Node;Supported Nodes: "Load Face Model", "Build Blended Face Model";Main Node OutputsIMAGE - is an output with the resulted image;Supported Nodes: any nodes which have images as an input;FACE_MODEL - is an output providing a source face's model being built during the swapping process;Supported Nodes: "Save Face Model", "ReActor", "Make Face Model Batch";Face RestorationSince version 0.3.0 ReActor Node has a buil-in face restoration.Just download the models you want (see Installation instruction) and select one of them to restore the resulting face(s) during the faceswap. It will enhance face details and make your result more accurate.Face IndexesBy default ReActor detects faces in images from "large" to "small".You can change this option by adding ReActorFaceSwapOpt node with ReActorOptions.And if you need to specify faces, you can set indexes for source and input images.Index of the first detected face is 0.You can set indexes in the order you need.E.g.: 0,1,2 (for Source); 1,0,2 (for Input).This means: the second Input face (index = 1) will be swapped by the first Source face (index = 0) and so on.GendersYou can specify the gender to detect in images.ReActor will swap a face only if it meets the given condition.💡Face ModelsSince version 0.4.0 you can save face models as "safetensors" files (stored in ComfyUI\models\reactor\faces) and load them into ReActor implementing different scenarios and keeping super lightweight face models of the faces you use.To make new models appear in the list of the "Load Face Model" Node - just refresh the page of your ComfyUI web application.(I recommend you to use ComfyUI Manager - otherwise you workflow can be lost after you refresh the page if you didn't save it before that).TroubleshootingI. (For Windows users) If you still cannot build Insightface for some reasons or just don't want to install Visual Studio or VS C++ Build Tools - do the following:(ComfyUI Portable) From the root folder check the version of Python:run CMD and type python_embeded\python.exe -VDownload prebuilt Insightface package for Python 3.10 or for Python 3.11 (if in the previous step you see 3.11) or for Python 3.12 (if in the previous step you see 3.12) and put into the stable-diffusion-webui (A1111 or SD.Next) root folder (where you have "webui-user.bat" file) or into ComfyUI root folder if you use ComfyUI PortableFrom the root folder run:(SD WebUI) CMD and .\venv\Scripts\activate(ComfyUI Portable) run CMDThen update your PIP:(SD WebUI) python -m pip install -U pip(ComfyUI Portable) python_embeded\python.exe -m pip install -U pip💡Then install Insightface:(SD WebUI) pip install insightface-0.7.3-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl (for 3.10) or pip install insightface-0.7.3-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl (for 3.11) or pip install insightface-0.7.3-cp312-cp312-win_amd64.whl (for 3.12)(ComfyUI Portable) python_embeded\python.exe -m pip install insightface-0.7.3-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl (for 3.10) or python_embeded\python.exe -m pip install insightface-0.7.3-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl (for 3.11) or python_embeded\python.exe -m pip install insightface-0.7.3-cp312-cp312-win_amd64.whl (for 3.12)Enjoy!II. "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'"This error may occur if there's smth wrong with the model file inswapper_128.onnx💡Try to download it manually from here and put it to the ComfyUI\models\insightface replacing existing oneIII. "reactor.execute() got an unexpected keyword argument 'reference_image'"This means that input points have been changed with the latest updateRemove the current ReActor Node from your workflow and add it againIV. ControlNet Aux Node IMPORT failed error when using with ReActor NodeClose ComfyUI if it runsGo to the ComfyUI root folder, open CMD there and run:python_embeded\python.exe -m pip uninstall -y opencv-python opencv-contrib-python opencv-python-headlesspython_embeded\python.exe -m pip install opencv-python=='s it!reactor+controlnetV. "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'basicsr'" or "subprocess-exited-with-error" during future-0.18.3 installationDownload it to ComfyUI root And run:python_embeded\python.exe -m pip install future-0.18.3-py3-none-any.whlThen:python_embeded\python.exe -m pip install basicsrVI. "fatal: fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output" when you try to git clone the repository"Try to clone with --depth=1 (last commit only):git clone --depth=1 retrieve the rest (if you need):git fetch --unshallow
Textual Inversion Embeddings  ComfyUI_Examples

Textual Inversion Embeddings ComfyUI_Examples

ComfyUI_examplesTextual Inversion Embeddings ExamplesHere is an example for how to use Textual Inversion/Embeddings.To use an embedding put the file in the models/embeddings folder then use it in your prompt like I used the embedding in the previous picture.Note that you can omit the filename extension so these two are equivalent:embedding:SDA768.ptembedding:SDA768You can also set the strength of the embedding just like regular words in the prompt:(embedding:SDA768:1.2)Embeddings are basically custom words so where you put them in the text prompt matters.For example if you had an embedding of a cat:red embedding:catThis would likely give you a red cat.
Art Mediums (127 Style)

Art Mediums (127 Style)

Art MediumsVarious art mediums. Prompted with '{medium} art of a woman MetalpointMiniature PaintingMixed MediaMonotype PrintingMosaic Tile ArtMosaicNeonOil PaintOrigamiPapermakingPapier-mâchéPastelPen And InkPerformance ArtPhotographyPhotomontagePlasterPlastic ArtsPolymer ClayPrintmakingPuppetryPyrographyQuillingQuilt ArtRecycled ArtRelief PrintingResinReverse Glass PaintingSandScratchboard ArtScreen PrintingScrimshawSculpture WeldingSequin ArtSilk PaintingSilverpointSound ArtSpray PaintStained GlassStencilStoneTapestryTattoo ArtTemperaTerra-cottaTextile ArtVideo ArtVirtual Reality ArtWatercolorWaxWeavingWire SculptureWoodWoodcutGlassGlitch ArtGold LeafGouacheGraffitiGraphite PencilIceInk Wash PaintingInstallation ArtIntaglio PrintingInteractive MediaKinetic ArtKnittingLand ArtLeatherLenticular PrintingLight ProjectionLithographyMacrameMarbleMetalColored PencilComputer-generated Imagery (cgi)Conceptual ArtCopper EtchingCrochetDecoupageDigital MosaicDigital PaintingDigital SculptureDioramaEmbroideryEnamelEncaustic PaintingEnvironmental ArtEtchingFabricFeltingFiberFoam CarvingFound ObjectsFrescoAugmented Reality ArtBatikBeadworkBody PaintingBookbindingBronzeCalligraphyCast PaperCeramicsChalkCharcoalClayCollageCollagraphy3d PrintingAcrylic PaintAirbrushAlgorithmic ArtAnimationArt GlassAssemblage
ControlNet Dw_openpose ComfyUi

ControlNet Dw_openpose ComfyUi

Installationwas-node-suite-comfyuiNavigate to your /ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ folderRun powershell git clone安裝步驟👉 ffmpeg path👈WAS Node Suite: `ffmpeg_bin_path` is set to: C:fmpeg.exeLocationComfyUI\custom_nodes\was-node-suite-comfyui.jsonpathif your ffmpeg.exe in C:\Open was-node-suite-comfyui.json 👈"ffmpeg_bin_path": "C:\ffmpeg.exe" 👈 Change blue textDownload 👈FFMPEG 安裝(windows)FFmpeg 是開放原始碼的自由軟體,可以錄影、轉檔、串流安裝步驟1Download .進入FFMPEG官網2.點選Download3.選擇windows4.點選第一個連結,到新網站後,找到release builds,並下載其中的ffmpeg-release-full.7z點選第一個連結到新網站後找到release builds並下載其中的ffmpeg-release-full.7z5.下載後為壓縮檔,在C槽Program Files裡建立新資料夾,取名為FFMPEG6.將以下檔案解壓縮至剛才創立的FFMPEG資料夾7.點開bin資料夾8.複製此資料夾的位置路徑9.用左下的搜尋工具搜尋,找到"編輯系統環境變數"10.按下"環境變數"11.找到"系統變數(S)"欄 的 "PATH" ,並按下"編輯"12.點選"新增"13.將先前複製的資料夾路徑位置貼上14.接著都按確定接著我們來確認有沒有安裝成功1.一樣用左下角的搜尋工具搜尋CMD2.輸入ffmpeg -version後按ENTERCMD fmpeg -version(注意ffmpeg -version,g跟-中間有空一格。)3.如果有出現以下畫面就是有成功
  ComfyUI - FreeU:您需要這個!升級任何模型  ComfyUI - FreeU: You NEED This! Upgrade any model

ComfyUI - FreeU:您需要這個!升級任何模型 ComfyUI - FreeU: You NEED This! Upgrade any model

FreeU WORKFLOWSComfyUI-FreeU (YouTube)說明
ComfyUI-AnimateDiff -DW Pose-Face Swap- ReActor  -Face Restore-Upscayl- Video Generation Workflows

ComfyUI-AnimateDiff -DW Pose-Face Swap- ReActor -Face Restore-Upscayl- Video Generation Workflows

Video Generation Workflows 30 nodesDownloda Workflows.json 👈👈My video Gallery link 🎥🎬👉 ffmpeg path👈WAS Node Suite: `ffmpeg_bin_path` is set to: C:fmpeg.exeLocationComfyUI\custom_nodes\was-node-suite-comfyui.jsonOpen was-node-suite-comfyui.json 👈Set "ffmpeg_bin_path": "C:\ffmpeg.exe"if your ffmpeg.exe in C:\Download 👈
