如何增強畫面視覺衝擊力 How to enhance the visual impact of the picture
如何增強畫面視覺衝擊力大家都希望作品能更吸引人,而作品吸引人的關鍵在於畫面的視覺衝擊。 Everyone hopes that the work can be more attractive, and the key to the attractiveness of a work lies in the visual impact of the picture. 增強畫面視覺衝擊力的4種方式,可以讓你的作品更引人注目。 4 ways to enhance the visual impact of your images to make your work more eye-catching善從局部提煉特徵 Be good at extracting features from the details 不要經常大而全的照片,而要把注意力放到局部, 局部細節是最豐富的.當你放大畫面就會發現,局部有神奇的線條和各種有趣的形狀Don’t take large and comprehensive photos often but focus on the details the details of the local area are the richest,when you zoom in on the picture, you will find,the local area has magical lines and various interesting shapes 聚焦重複構成 Focus on repeated composition 完美的線條與規則的幾何外形 Perfect lines and regular geometric shapes, 透過一定的規律重複或排布 Through certain regular repetition or arrangement, 畫面會產生一種均衡而震撼的美感 the picture will produce a balanced and shocking beauty.在自然界中可能很難尋找到具有 It may be difficult to find objects 規則幾何外形的物體 with regular geometric shapes in nature但在都市生活中卻十分常見 but they are very common in urban life.大到高樓大廈的外形,小到統一規格密集擺放的椅子,生活中處處充滿了規律、重複而富有韻律性的美。 From the shape of tall buildings to the densely packed chairs of uniform specifications, life is full of regular, repetitive and rhythmic beauty.善用對比對比的形式有很多種。只要畫面各元素之間存在顯著的色彩、體積、明暗等方面的差異,就可以創造對比。在色彩上,創造大片暖色與冷色的對比;在光影上,創造大片明與暗的對比;在體積上,創造極大與極小的對比。總而言之,只要各元素在某一方面有顯著差異,能形成彼此相對,或相互呼應的關係,就可以用來創造對比。增加對比元素的數量與規模,也是創造「強」對比的好方法。俗話說得好,「對比不夠,數量來湊」嘛。如下圖,葉子不是很紅,天也不是很藍,但如果在畫面中出現大片紅葉和藍天,對比還是很鮮明的。Make good use of contrastContrast can take many forms. Contrast can be created as long as there are significant differences in color, volume, light and darkness between the elements of the picture.In terms of color, create large-scale contrasts between warm and cool colors; in terms of light and shadow, create large-scale contrasts between light and dark; in terms of volume, create contrasts between the extremely large and the extremely small.In short, as long as the elements are significantly different in some aspect and can form a relationship of opposition or mutual echo, they can be used to create contrast. Increasing the number and size of contrasting elements is also a good way to create "strong" contrast.As the old saying goes, "If contrast isn't enough, quantity makes up for it." As shown in the picture below, the leaves are not very red and the sky is not very blue, but if there are large areas of red leaves and blue sky in the picture, the contrast is still very clear.利用對比需要注意的是,參與對比的元素不要太多。兩、三種元素的相互對比,才能形成相互呼應的感覺,如果超過五種畫面會很亂,對比的感覺反而不明顯了。When using contrast, it is important to note that there should not be too many elements involved in the contrast. Only the contrast between two or three elements can form a feeling of mutual echo. If there are more than five elements, the picture will be messy and the feeling of contrast will not be obvious./End.