This is a vibrant, digitally-created monochrome poster for the anime series "Tensor Art." by Tsutomu Nihei The black background has a gradient of warm, glowing hues, transitioning from bright yellow at the top to orange and red at the bottom, giving a sense of intense energy. The central figure is a young woman with short, light blue hair and striking red eyes. She is dressed in a futuristic form-fitting, white and blue bodysuit with red accents, which features a high collar, gloves, and boots. Her pose is dynamic, with one hand resting on her knee and the other extended forward, suggesting action and readiness. Behind her is a large, armored figure, predominantly orange and yellow with a metallic texture, resembling a humanoid nihei robot. The robot's head is partially visible, with a circular, glowing eye. The title "TENSOR ART" is prominently displayed in large, bold letters at the top, with "Relax! Everything will be fine!" in a more stylized, angular font. The overall style is highly detailed and dynamic, typical of scuence fiction anime art, with a focus on dramatic lighting and bold colors.

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