Adcom (old account)

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How to merge your Tensor Art LoRas using Single Value Decomposition (SVD) [Kaggle Notebook + code]

How to merge your Tensor Art LoRas using Single Value Decomposition (SVD) [Kaggle Notebook + code]

What is this about? : I coded a notebook in Kaggle which allows you to change your Tensor Art FLUX/SD LoRa into new rank to reduce filesizeThis notebook will also filter out noise, change scale , and merge 3 LoRas into 1 using TIES merge and Single Value Decomposition (SVD).Link: free to copy , and adapt the code in this Notebook for your purposes as you see fit. Also; Kaggle offers a very generous quota of storage on their servers (220 GB!). Storing backup of your LoRa models on Kaggle can be a good solution if you wish to tinker with them. For further info on LoRa/neural net merge methods I can recommend this article: can I use this notebook for? : Example 1) a 600MB LoRa at rank 64 can be cast to a 300MB lora at rank 32 with the same type of output. Example 2) Three LoRas of any kind of rank can be merged into a single LoRa using the TIES algorithm - which is an loose abbreviation for 'Trim Elect Sign & Merge'The TIES method is explained in this paper: Notebook is only compatible with LoRa trained using the AdamWBit method on Tensor Art or Civitai or similiar places that host online training. Ideally , you can train LoRa in 64 rank with alpha set to 32 , then cast them to 32 rank using this notebook. This notebook uses a GPU , so make sure to connect to a GPU instance like 'GPU P100' prior to running this notebook. This is a very short article. I plan on writing a more extensive article in the future to showcase this + a proper guide the FLUX LoRa training methods using composite images , but the tool is here for those who need it.If you encounter problems in the notebook , write them here and I will fix it. Cheers,Adcom
'Paduru' Illustrious LoRa Model Training Guide

'Paduru' Illustrious LoRa Model Training Guide

link to Lora: fetched my training images from: collage shown here was created using I used the built in Tensor Art caption tool to set the promptsExample:"padoru 1girl solo long hair smile open mouth simple background hair ornament long sleeves hat white background holding tail full body yellow eyes :d red hair pointy ears hairclip chibi fur trim capelet fangs transparent background blush stickers monster girl slit pupils christmas red headwear santa hat santa costume meme scales sack lamia holding sack miia \(monster musume\)"Training settings:base model: NovaXL (as shown as base model in LoRa) Unet learning rate: 0.0001Repeat : 20 , Epochs 10Constant learning rate Network dim: 64 , Alpha: 32Loss chart is absurdly low:And here are some examples of the output from the NovaXL illustrious model:Very cute!Thats all for this training guide. Merry Christmas! /Adcom
[AI Tool] Don't let LoRa images fill up your hard drive. Organize it with Pinterest!

[AI Tool] Don't let LoRa images fill up your hard drive. Organize it with Pinterest!

With the ongoing christmas walkthrough most will likely want to train a LoRa model in the upcoming week. To help people get organized I want to illustrate the usefulness of Pinterest: include:Direct download to your Pinterest cloud server from art sources such as Artstation and Deviant Art at the press of a button. No need to store/organize images on your own device.The ability to move and sort images into separate folders and subfolders within a given themeFinding similar images to the ones stored within a folderDrawbacks:NSFW training data is not allowed on the Pinterest siteDownload resolution will be limited (but that is no concern for LoRa training since resolution will be reduced anyways)Let's examine the 'Creatures' folder:By linking your Google account to Artstation , you can import an image to your pinterest by pressing this button By scrolling to the bottom of the gallery , you can find similiar images to the ones added to the current folder which other users have imported to PinterestThis means you can expand your set of LoRa training images relatively quickly from even a small set of images. Useful!I find this system to be very useful for casually browsing and sorting through images I find to be cool. Then , whenever I have the time I can organize these images into a LoRa set using batchcropper: captions I choose to use JoyCaptions : organized, I upload the lora training data to huggingface for use whenever I need it: the LoRa creation fail (as it inevitably will do from time to time) it can be useful to still keep the training data around to remind oneself of what NOT to do in the next training set. Happy LoRa training and Merry Christmas!/Adcom
LoRa in SD3.5 | Dataset Creation + Tools

LoRa in SD3.5 | Dataset Creation + Tools

LoRa Dataset Creation in SD3.5This is a walkthrough of my LoRa creation process for SD3.5. I am using a number of external tools which are listed in this article.Part 1: Find a good datasetFor this project I plan on creating a LoRa for a japanese magazine style cover-art for SD 3.5 Large modelThe first step is sourcing reference material for your LoRa. Here I used to find a collection of imagesPinterest is an absolutely amazing site for finding content for LoRa. They have a very neat feature that allows you to store images as 'collections' and find images similiar to that collection. Try using pinterest for sourcing images to your LoRa: Sankaku Complex for the NSFW stuff (they have a phone app: are the ones I selected. I compiled this collage using https://gandr.ioAbove is example of me using on some robots. Here is what the output looks like:Note that the backgrounds for these robots have been edited using GIMP. For large datasets , the predominant color will oftentimes be white. Try to offset this whenever possible. Adding a black rim at the edges will teach the LoRa that high contrast = good. Green and Blue are rare colors. You want to use a unique color scheme. It will make the LoRa output image stand out in an AI art gallery.And here are the manga covers:Compiling the training images this way is a good way to showcase to people what "type" of image your LoRa can create.Some points when selecting the LoRa reference material:Use images where only 1 person existsUse different colors for backgroundsAvoid items that feature obscured bodypartsAvoid images with a lot of white , beige or gray in them.Judge the pictures based on color , clarity and composition. If you can't tell what the image is based on the thumbnail , the AI model won't understand it either.Understand the Stable Diffusion community. If you want it , others want it too. For example; the reason why I'm training this LoRa is to give people (and myself) the means to produce cool coverpage images for future models, articles , posts etc.Next , I edit the photos using a photoeditor tool such as GIMP : goal is to remove anything which may confuse the AI model when trying to re-create the images.SD3.5 Large model will happily accept any LoRa content that features nudity. The base SD 3.5 Large model lacks any training for NSFW content, so it will happily gobble up such content to make the 'pieces within itself' fit together nicely.In this case , I've removed all English Text from the cover-art you see above. This is to avoid a concept blend between Kanji letters and English text for the T5 model. We still want to be able to write English text with the LoRa after all.The general rule of thumb from the LoRa community is having between 20-30 images for a character , and at least 30 images if the LoRa embodies something more abstract like a concept or style.In this case I use 24 images. My reasoning here is that the coverart is very "chaotic" so only a few images are required to represent a decent amount of variety. Plus we want to save the LoRa training costs since recreating this very densely packed artstyle will likely require a lot of epochs before it "stabilizes" so-to-speak.Part 2: Selecting a KeywordWhile a keyword can be anything you want it to be; this time I've decided to take the scientific approach.This notebook can be used to search tokens in SD3.5 : this notebook I made some random searches for tokens similar to "manga</w>" and "japan</w>" , and I stumbled upon the rarely used token "kei</w>" . I decided to include this into the keywordIf you want to see the concept representation of each token , you can try: can also use this notebook to browse text_encodings: used the text_encodings notebook to find the keyword for the robot lora.One of the similiar results according to CLIP model in the text_encoding notebook was "art by Brian Sum", so I googled that and behold "Brian Sum" was actually a guy who draws robots! You can find his creations here: . I did add 4 images of his works into the robot LoRa, bringing up the total from 26 images to 30.//----//For the mangacover art I decided the keyword for the LoRa should be "mangacover kei" . This allows me to hitch a ride on the training data which already exists within the SD3.5 model , saving epoch training time.To check the exact number of tokens used I use this online tokenizer : uses CLIP_L and CLIP_G , and has the same vocab as the previous SD models. The main difference is that it also uses the T5 model, which is an LLM model akin to chatGPT.To verify I run a prompt on a SD3.5 model as 'mangacover kei text "LORA" 'Good enough.Part 3: Writing the promptsWhen training T5 models , I prefer running the training images through JoyCaption Alpha One at 200 token length : want the prompts to be between 500-800 characters in length in order to keep it within the 256 token context length of the T5 model. To quote stability AI:While this model can handle long prompts, you may observe artifacts on the edge of generations when T5 tokens go over 256. Pay attention to the token limits when using this model in your workflow, and shortern prompts if artifacts becomes too obvious.Also note:The medium model (SD3.5M) has a different training data distribution than the large model (SD3.5 Large), so it may not respond to the same prompt similarly.Source: 4: Compiling the DatasetFinally I apply the selected images to Batchcropper : prefer using portrait size 768x1024 or 768x1150 for the dataset.Then I paste the JoyCaption prompts and add my selected keywords to somewhere close to the start of the prompts.The training set is now done! It can be downloaded as a zip file and kept in a Huggingface repository until it is time to train them: you wish to store training data privately you can use . They are a cloud storage website which encrypts their user data and by policy have 0 % knowledge of the content you store online as long as the repository is set to private.Note that due to recent legislation in California, more common hosting websites like Google drive may ban your account if you use their services to host certain type of content. This will include celebrity impersonation. This is something to keep in mind.Part 5: LoRa SettingsIf you are training a SD3.5L LoRa on Civitai , make sure to set 'Network Dim' to 32 and 'Network Alpha' to 16The SD model is just a bunch of matrices doing matrix calculation on an input vector. Each matrix is a 'layer'.'Network Dim' is in this case a fancy term for saying how many layers we wish to encode in the SD3.5L model.A larger 'Network Dim' will mean a larger file size for your LoRa model.Be aware past a certain point , more training does not mean better results.I prefer training with 10 repeats over 30 epochs.That way I get solutions within the 20-30 epoch range. This is not an exact science.The LoRa training task is a 'random walk' to find the best solution. We do 10 dice rolls , pick the best result and repeat the process 30 times.//----//When you do your training , remember to document, document , document!Users wants to see your dataset , your prompts , your examples (including the bad ones) , the loss graph on the LoRa training , the epoch you choose to release , your methods, your sources. The sharing of information is the lifeblood of an open source community.This is the Loss graph of the Brain Sum LoRaWe see a dip in Loss rate past epoch 14. Thus , it is reasonable to post every epoch past epoch 14 to the LoRa. Then we can do some trial and error on the epochs 14-20 to find which of these has the "best looking" output.//----//LoRa Configs I'm using currentlyRepeat 10Epoch 30Save Every N Epochs 1Clip Skip 1Text Encoder learning rate 0.00001Unet learning rate 0.00015 <--- Important! LR Scheduler constantOptimizer AdamW8bitNetwork Dim 32 <--- Important! Network Alpha 16Gradient Accumulation Steps 2 <--- GoodNoise offset 0.2 <--- Good//---//LoRas I've made (so far)Visual Novel style: Sum Lora : NSFW training LoRa : Nihei LoRa : Data:Brain Sum Training data (imgur): post my training data here , which you can download as a zip file: you for reading this article. Hopefully it will be some help. Good luck on the Lora training for the SD3.5 model.
Batchcropper for Lora using T5 model in SD3.5M + extra stuff  | HALLOWEEN2024

Batchcropper for Lora using T5 model in SD3.5M + extra stuff | HALLOWEEN2024

I recently trained my first LoRa and this tool was very useful for organizing the images: prompting the descriptive text I've been using JoyCaption:Demo: batchcropper tool linked at the top allows you to paste the Joycaption prompts alongside the images to create your own dataset//---//From the SD3.5-M model release we get this information regarding the batch size for the T5 model:Link: T5 is an LLM model. Input can be very different from the CLIP models many are used to prompt with.How can this be used? One thing I've been experimenting with is taking audio segments from various places like the Charcarhadron 40K lore video (good listen to btw) : it as an MP3 either via an online tool or if the video is long (more than 1h , or if you want to download many videos to mp3 at once) using this notebook I've coded: then passing the MP3 through this online transcriber tool: https://turboscribe.aiAnd voila! Now you have bits and pieces of rather unique prompt snippets which can be used for the T5. I made some spaceships using this technique: See this post for prompt: which I trained on the SD3.5M model: used the training feature on TensorArt. Its the Symbol with barbell called "Training" which can be found by clicking the button on the left side ---> of your TensorArt UICheers, Adcom
Are score_tags neccessary in PDXL/SDXL Pony Models?  |  Halloween2024

Are score_tags neccessary in PDXL/SDXL Pony Models? | Halloween2024

Consensus is that the latest generation of Pony SDXL models no linger require "score_9 score_8 score_7" written in the prompt to "look good".//----//It is possible to visualize our actual input to the SD model for CLIP_L ( a 1x768 tensor) as a 16x16 grid , each with RGB values since 16 x 16 x 3 = 768I'll assume CLIP_G in the SDXL model can be ignored. Its assumed CLIP_G is functionally the same but for 1024 dimension instead of 768.So the here we have the prompt : "score_9 score_8_up score_8_up"Then I can do the same but for the prompt : "score_9 score_8_up score_8_up" + XWhere X is some random extremely sus prompt I fetch from my gallery. Assume it to fill up to the full 77 tokens (I set truncate=True on the tokenizer so it just caps off past the 77 token limit)Examples:etc. etc.Granted , first three tokens in the prompt for the 768 encoding greatly influnces the "theme" of the output.But from above images one can see that the "appearance" of the text encoding can vary a lot.Thus , the "best" way to write a prompt is rarely universal.Here I'm running some random text I write myself to check similarity to our "score prompt" (top result should be 100% , so I might have some rounding error) :score_6 score_7_up score_8_up : 98.03% score 8578 : 85.42% highscore : 82.87% beautiful : 77.09% score boobs score : 73.16% SCORE : 80.1% score score score : 83.87% score 1 score 2 score 3 : 87.64% score : 80.1% score up score : 88.45% score 123 score down : 84.62%So even though the model is trained for "score_6 score_7_up score_8_up"we can be kinda loose in how we want to phrase it , if we want to phrase it.Same principle applies for all LoRA and their activation keywords.Negatives are special. The text we write in the negatives are split by whitespace , and the chunks are encoded individually.Link to Notebook if you want to run your own tests: use this thing to search up prompt words using the CLIP_L model//---//These are the most similiar items to the Pony model "score prompt" within my text corpusItems of zero similarity (perpendicular) negative similarity (vector at opposite direction) to encoding are omitted from these results.Note that this are encodings similiar to the "score prompt" trigger encoding , not analysis of what the Pony Model considers good quality.Prompt phrases among my text corpus most similiar to "score_9 score_8_up score_8_up" according to CLIP (the peak of the graph above): Community: sfa_polyfic - 68.3 % holding blood ephemeral dream - 68.3 % Excell - 68.3 % supacrikeydave - 68.3 % Score | Matthew Caruso - 67.8 % freckles on face and body HeadpatPOV - 67.8 % Kazuno Sarah/Kunikida Hanamaru - 67.8 % iers-kraken lun - 67.8 % blob whichever blanchett - 67.6 % Gideon Royal - 67.6 % Antok/Lotor/Regris (Voltron) - 67.6 % Pauldron - 66.7 % nsfw blush Raven - 66.7 % Episode: s08e09 Enemies Domestic - 66.7 % John Steinbeck/Tanizaki Junichirou (Bungou Stray Dogs) - 66.7 % populism probiotics airspace shifter - 65.4 % Sole Survivor & X6-88 - 65.4 % Corgi BB-8 (Star Wars) - 65.4 % Quatre Raberba Winner/Undisclosed - 65.2 % resembling a miniature fireworks display with a green haze. Precision Shoot - 65.2 % bracelet grey skin - 65.2 % Reborn/Doctor Shamal (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!)/Original Male Character(s) - 65.2 % James/Madison Li - 65.1 % Feral Mumintrollet | Moomintroll - 65.1 % wafc ccu linkin - 65.1 % Christopher Mills - 65.0 % at Overcast - 65.0 % Kairi & Naminé (Kingdom Hearts) - 65.0 % with magical symbols glowing in the air around her. The atmosphere is charged with magic Ghost white short kimono - 65.0 % The ice age is coming - 65.0 % Jonathan Reid & Bigby Wolf - 65.0 % blue doe eyes cortical column - 65.0 % Leshawna/Harold Norbert Cheever Doris McGrady V - 65.0 % foxtv matchups panna - 65.0 % Din Djarin & Migs Mayfeld & Grogu | Baby Yoda - 65.0 % Epilogue jumps ahead - 65.0 % nico sensopi - 64.8 % 秦风 - Character - 64.8 % Caradoc Dearborn - 64.8 % caribbean island processing highly detailed by wlop - 64.8 % Tim Drake's Parents - 64.7 % probiotics hardworkpaysoff onstorm allez - 64.7 % Corpul | Coirpre - 64.7 % Cantar de Flor y Espinas (Web Series) - 64.7 % populist dialog biographical - 64.7 % uf!papyrus/reader - 64.7 % Imrah of Legann & Roald II of Conte - 64.6 % d brown legwear - 64.6 % Urey Rockbell - 64.6 % bass_clef - 64.6 % Royal Links AU - 64.6 % sunlight glinting off metal ghost town - 64.6 % Cross Marian/Undisclosed - 64.6 % ccu monoxide thcentury - 64.5 % Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd & Summoner | Eclat | Kiran - 64.5 %
Halloween2024 | What [from:to:when] is and why it should be added to TAMS2

Halloween2024 | What [from:to:when] is and why it should be added to TAMS2

[ from : to : when ] commands no longer work in the prompt since TAMS1 was removedFeature Example: for the lady is "bartender standing behind bar art by Anna Dittmann artistic Cosplay Photograph"To simulate the effects of [from:to:when] , I will run the prompt as img2img on this abstract noise patternBit crude, but you can see that by having some " noise" in the image initially , output is improvedTime for practical examplePrompt for these are: "[many photography abstractart dark incadescent pink tints dark abstractart with dark lean saturations foggy dark on night grape tones sleek 1girl:dissolve silhouette in this composition barcode Oblivious!Bucky looking at viewer5 steampunk humanoid creature deformed mangled bloody En el fondo hay un espejo. Chas Quilter Swept from the Sea \(1997\) BioSteel Camp :0.1]"...or some variation. Examples:Some additional examples using this techniqueThe model used is the SD 1.5 Indigo Furry model , for those curious In summary ; pre-rendindering the first 10-20% with a colorful and dark pattern can offset many inherent flaws in SD related to color variation and light contrast Note thar this feature does not work on TensorArt yet , as TAMS2 syntax for this command is still borked. Please do me a favour , remind the devs to implement this feature on the discord:, Adcom
