Anime character goku who resembles a modern version of the famous anime protagonist. The individual had spiky yellow-black hair and a confident expression. Goku wears contemporary street clothes, including a white and orange Hoodie with anime-themed graphics, including the character prominently displayed on the chest. Black jogger style pants with orange detailing and patches, showcasing a mix of designs and logos. The orange, white and blue high-top sneaker resembles the Nike Air Jordan styling. Gold watches and elements of urban style complete the outfit. The backdrop is a busy city street with neon signs and a slightly futuristic or cyberpunk aesthetic, combining traditional cityscapes with anime-inspired visuals. The mood is edgy, trendy and modern.
Version Detail
Anime character goku who resembles a modern version of the famous anime protagonist. The individual had spiky yellow-black hair and a confident expression. Goku wears contemporary street clothes, including a white and orange Hoodie with anime-themed graphics, including the character prominently displayed on the chest. Black jogger style pants with orange detailing and patches, showcasing a mix of designs and logos. The orange, white and blue high-top sneaker resembles the Nike Air Jordan styling. Gold watches and elements of urban style complete the outfit. The backdrop is a busy city street with neon signs and a slightly futuristic or cyberpunk aesthetic, combining traditional cityscapes with anime-inspired visuals. The mood is edgy, trendy and modern.
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