



creator: calculater

Common Positive Prompt/共通ポジティブプロンプト


Common Negative Prompt/共通ネガティブプロンプト

May or may not be used. / 使っても良いし、使わなくても良いかも。



See version information for model merging information.



 個人的にはEuler Ancestral CFG++ / CFG scale1が良い感じです。

Please refer to Noobai-XL ( for sampler and scheduler settings.

Personally, I like Euler Ancestral CFG++ / CFG scale1.


2025.1.26 MR_v1.0 (v-pred)

・Mature ritual_v0.2(をマージ。

 主に「gyaru」や「mature female」の出力に手を加えました。

・Mature ritual_v0.2 merged.

 Mainly modified "gyaru" and "mature female".


2024.12.31 vpred-v1.01

・Noobai-XL V-pred-1.0-Versionをベースとして再調整。

Adjustment based on Noobai-XL V-pred-1.0-Version.


2024.12.11 vpred-v0.4

・Noobai-XL V-pred-0.75S-Versionをベースとして再調整。

Adjustment based on Noobai-XL V-pred-0.75S-Version.


2024.12.5 epred-v1.1

・based on Noobai-XL epsilon-pred 1.1-Version.


2024.11.18 vpred0.6-v0.1


Adjustment based on Noobai-XL_V-pred0.6-Version.


2024.11.7 v1.0


Adjustment based on Noobai-XL_v1.0.


2024.10.31 v0.3test


Eye and facial adjustments.


2024/10/28 V0.1test



This is a merged version of noobAIXLNAIXL with Illustrious model and Lora created from SD1.5 generated images.

Special thanks to the noobAI-XL author.

Version Detail

1:Noobai-XL-V-pred-1.0-Version( 2:Noobai-XL-Epsilon-pred 1.0-Version( 3:Rillusm_v1.1( 4:ExilluSPO_Anime_v0.1(Models not open to the public in civitai) 5:illustriousXL_v0.1( 6:Obsession (Illustrious-XL)_v-pred-1.0( Rillusm_v1.1 - Noobai-XL-Epsilon-pred 1.0-Version = A (ModelMerge Subtract : 0.4) Noobai-XL-V-pred-1.0-Version + A = B (ModelMerge Add) ExilluSPO_Anime_v0.1 - illustrious_v0.1 = C (ModelMerge Subtract : 0.4) B + C = D (ModelMerge Add) D + Obsession (Illustrious-XL)_v-pred-1.0 = basemodel (Merge simple : 0.8) The above base model is merged with a lora created using images generated by SD1.5's own merge model. Special thanks to the authors of the models illustrious-XL, NoobAI-XL, Rillusm, ExilluSPO_Anime, and Obsession.

Project Permissions

Model reprinted from :

Reprinted models are for communication and learning purposes only, not for commercial use. Original authors can contact us to transfer the models through our Discord channel --- #claim-models.

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