disclaimer: The Training images are personally generated by me
Trained this Lora on a personal style
Only trained on 79 personal images it can have shortcomings. choose the Epoch that's works for you. based on some reports I don't recommend strength 1.0 it will easily be overfitting. lower the value 0.75 - 0.50 - 0.30
♥ anime/3D! ♥
Training Params For who needs it
"engine": "kohya",
"unetLR": 0.0005,
"clipSkip": 2,
"loraType": "lora",
"keepTokens": 0,
"networkDim": 32,
"numRepeats": 25,
"resolution": 1024,
"lrScheduler": "cosine_with_restarts",
"minSnrGamma": 5,
"noiseOffset": 0.1,
"targetSteps": 2850,
"enableBucket": true,
"networkAlpha": 16,
"optimizerType": "Adafactor",
"textEncoderLR": 0.00005,
"maxTrainEpochs": 12,
"shuffleCaption": true,
"trainBatchSize": 4,
"flipAugmentation": true,
"lrSchedulerNumCycles": 3