This Flux version is much better than previous SDXL versions. But my Flux version is good for Close views for now, because I trained it based on my current Medieval Project that I develop avatars in closeup or upperbody views.
Add "Armor" or "shirt" or "vest" to tags like: Chainmail (like: Chainmail Armor, Chainmail Vest, Mail mittens), Lamellar (Leather or Metal Lamellar Armor), Gambeson (Armor, Shirt, Vest), Leather (Armor, Vest, Belt, Pauldrons) and write Steel, Metal, Leather to Pauldrons, Vambraces, Gloves, Gaunlets, etc.
There are Cervelliere/Skullcap, Norman helm/Nasal helmet, Bascinet (without visor), Armet, Chainmail coif as headgear.