This is a PonyXL LoRA which required a PonyXL model like this one.
👇👀 This model is in beta, so read me! 👇👀
This is a SDXL Slider for PonyXL models, and it is currently in beta. The goal of this slider is to modify the subject's breast size without overly changing the age of the subject or the rest of the picture.
Creating a breast size slider is not hard, but creating a breast size slider that doesn't also scale age is quite challenging. For this reason this LoRA is not fully developed yet, and may act oddly in certain circumstances (see "Known Issues" below). If anyone has suggestions on how to build a better slider for this, please feel free to send me a message on CivitAI!
How To Use:
Negative LoRA values in the prompt result in smaller breasts. Positive LoRA values in the prompt result in larger breasts BUT know is THE SLIDER'S WEIGHTING IS ASYMMETRIC.
For smaller breasts you should use negative values ranging from -2 to -4 . You can try going to -5, but it might affect the image too much.
For larger breasts you should use positive values ranging from 1 to 3, unless you want an extreme effect in which case you can go up to 5.
No activation tag required, but know that if you specifically prompt a breast size in your prompt, that will take priority. Ideally this LoRA is all you need for breast size, but it's not quite there yet.
If you find negative values under-saturate the image, I recommend adding an artist style LoRA. If negative values skew the subject's age too young, I suggest you put in some tags in the negative prompt to help mitigate this.
Known Issues:
Higher positive values (>= 4) tend to over saturate the image
"Flat chest" values (<= -5) may under saturate and change image.
The age of the subject may scale with input values
June 18, 2024: Beta release v0.6