How are all you weird LoRA lovers around the world doing?世界各地の変なLoRA愛好家のみなさん元気でお過ごしですか?
This is a LoRA that could possibly depict a bathroom scene in a Japanese residence. I made this LoRA with a different dataset from the bathroom LoRAs I have made in the past. You can never have too many LoRAs like this one! これは日本の住宅のお風呂場っぽい風景をもしかすると描くことができるかもしれないLoRAです。過去に作ったお風呂場LoRA(とは違うデータセットで作りました。こんなLoRAなんてなんぼあってもええですからね
JMF2, scenery, window, faucet, bathtub, bathroom, indoors, tile wall, tiles,