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hugging face

Negative Embedding

Official hosting for online AI image generator.

A small update.

V2.5 is a revised version of V2.0.

This version has been retrained for style tags.


By inserting 'flat color, anime style' into negative prompts, you can achieve results with higher detail.

CounterfeitXL-V2.0 has been primarily trained on the latest illustrations but encounters a recurring issue with the appearance of halos. In such cases, please include 'halo' in negative prompts.

I have incorporated style tags into some of the training images. By describing these tags in the prompt, various effects can be achieved. Additionally, inserting style tags into negative prompts or combining them allows for the generation of images that align with your imagined.

Style Tags

masterpiece: Beautifully and intricately drawn illustrations.

cinematic style: Stunning illustrations with detailed backgrounds and lighting.

aesthetic style: Illustrations featuring beautiful color schemes.

cute style: Cute.

flat color: Illustrations with strong lines and a minimal color palette.

anime style: Anime.

comic style: Illustrations characterized by bold color choices and abstract representations.

Version Detail

SDXL 1.0

Project Permissions

Model reprinted from :

Reprinted models are for communication and learning purposes only, not for commercial use. Original authors can contact us to transfer the models through our Discord channel --- #claim-models.

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Describe the image you want to generate, then press Enter to send.