<h1 id="heading-66">泼墨 ink splash</h1><p>607323927751959196</p><p><em>泼墨</em>是中国画的一种画法,将墨挥洒在纸或绢上。墨如泼出,画面气势奔放。</p><p>"Pomo" is a Chinese word that refers to a painting technique in traditional Chinese painting, in which ink is splashed or splattered onto paper or silk. The ink creates a dynamic and expressive effect, capturing the essence of the subject in a bold and powerful way.</p><p>使用时请尽量使用较低的CFG以达到黑白画面的效果</p><p>Please use a lower CFG to achieve a black and white image effect</p>
Version Detail
SD 1.5
<p>需要使用提示词ink splash</p>
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