EVA『新世紀エヴァンゲリオン』新世纪福音战士 Neon Genesis EVANGELION Lo



This is a LoRA that can generate versatile humanoid battle weapons in an EVA-like style.

The tags EVA 00, EVA 01, EVA 02, and EVA 08 are associated with Unit-00, Unit-01, Unit-02, and Unit-08, respectively. Unit-01 and Unit-02 have better results due to the larger number of training images. Unit-00 comes next, while the generation quality of Unit-08 awaits further improvement after expanding the image dataset.

In addition, I have labeled all training set images with the tags "evagod" and "evangelion mecha." When only invoking these two tags without specifying EVA 00, EVA 01, EVA 02, or EVA 08, the model can generate humanoid weapons with a blended style.

Please note that due to the diverse sources of training images within the model, it may not accurately reproduce the specific details of the original mecha designs, but it does exhibit a distinctive EVA style.

I trained this Lora using NAI as the base model. Everyone is welcome to share and showcase the artistic effects generated on various large-scale models!


EVA 00、EVA 01、EVA 02、EVA 08这几个tag分别关联的是零号机、初号机、二号机以及八号机。初号机和二号机因为训练图更多,所以效果更好。其次是零号机,八号机的生成效果有待图像扩充后进一步改进。

另外我给所有训练集图片都打上了evagod以及evangelion mecha这两个tag。当只调用这两个tag,而不加 EVA 00、EVA 01、EVA 02、EVA 08这几个标签时,可以生成融合风格的人形兵器。



Version Detail

SD 1.5

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