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Version Detail
SD 1.5
Caster1: DefaultOutfit, C1
Caster2: C2, Caster2Bodysuit
Caster3: CasterFinalOutfit, C3
OrangeMaru's Maid Hentai Fanart女仆同人本: maid, Oranmaru
SwimsuitRuler1: OriSwimsuit, R1
SwimsuitRuler2: R2, 2ndROutfit, glasses
SwimsuitRuler3: R3, 3rdSwimsuit, veil
SwimsuitRulerFinal: R4, FinalSwimsuit
Heroic Spirit Travel Journal英灵纪行:HSTO, TripOutfit
Heroic Spirit Festive Wear英灵祭装:FGOFES, FEScloth
Royal Icing皇家糖霜:LancerCos, RoyalIcingDress, gloves
Trick or Treatment万圣南丁:NightingalCos, TOTNurse, tiara
Project Permissions
Model reprinted from : 123
Reprinted models are for communication and learning purposes only, not for commercial use. Original authors can contact us to transfer the models through our Discord channel --- #claim-models.
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