A cartoon-inspired artwork of Disney characters, including Mickey Mouse, Goofy, and Belle, pulling a rope to ring an intricately designed bronze bell with gears and steam elements. The characters wear classical outfits with  detailed outfit and accessories. The background features a sprawling happy cityscape with glowing lights, colorful clouds. Warm  tones and dramatic lighting create a fantastical mood. The bell is surrounded by prominent intricate detail, 3D composition of flowing (((musical notation))) filled with lively, cheerful energy. The staff lines twist and swirl dynamically through the air, resembling ribbons made of glowing rainbow hues that transition seamlessly between colors. Musical notes, clefs, and symbols are crafted with intricate details, appearing as gem-like, translucent elements that refract light into dazzling prisms of color with cheerful surrounding mood With chiseled features rendered in IMAX-quality detail.
Created Using: steampunk design, intricate mechanical details, expressive Disney characters, dynamic lighting, natural look

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