"An intricately designed biomechanical beetle resembling a fusion of nature and advanced technology, displayed in a bright, minimalist setting. The body of the beetle features a glossy, transparent exoskeleton made of high-tech materials, revealing the detailed inner machinery and components beneath. Its legs and head are crafted from sleek, dark metallic elements accented with polished gold details, including ornate engravings and decorative motifs. The beetle's prominent golden horn curves upward, exuding a sense of power and elegance. The legs are jointed with precise engineering, featuring transparent elements that add a futuristic and ethereal touch. The overall design combines elements of steampunk and high-end robotics, creating a balance of sophistication, craftsmanship, and sci-fi aesthetics. The setting highlights the beetle's form as a work of art, with a clean, white background emphasizing its intricate details and reflective surfaces."

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