A majestic roaring lion with an extraordinary and intricately detailed mane, composed entirely of vibrant peacock feathers. Each feather is hyper-realistically rendered, with iridescent blues, greens, and purples shimmering in the sunlight. The lion's fiery eyes pierce through the stunning contrast of its colorful mane, exuding power and dominance. The creature stands proudly on a stone pedestal, its muscular form tense and poised for action. Behind it, a backdrop of an ancient Balinese temple unfolds, adorned with intricate carvings and ornate gold detailing. The temple, with its tiered thatched roofs and elaborate gates, is nestled within a lush tropical jungle, with ferns and palms framing the scene. The serene and sacred setting is brought to life by the interplay of dappled sunlight and deep shadows, casting patterns on the lion and the temple walls. A faint mist adds to the mystical atmosphere, creating a sense of reverence and wonder. The overall composition is a breathtaking blend of hyper-detailed naturalism and exotic fantasy, inviting the viewer to step into a world where the boundaries between species and realms are beautifully blurred.

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