"A magical scene featuring tiny, one-inch fairies fluttering around various colorful flowers and delicate butterflies. The fairies have soft, shimmering wings and wear tiny, beautiful dresses made of petals. Scattered across the scene are tiny, whimsical houses made from mushrooms, flowers, and leaves, perfectly sized for the fairies. In the scene, there's a female baby rabbit with soft fur, a female baby cat with round, playful eyes, and baby round circular birds chirping happily. They are all surrounded by lush greenery and vibrant flowers, creating a cute and enchanting atmosphere, so many one inches fairys are so happy with cute rabbits,cats,birds!! Theses animals are female too but baby animals!!,3dKawaii.hanna,REALNIME,UnderwaterElegance,3D cute animal character,3D Rendering,Crystal Glass,velvet_myst