An apocalyptic scene of a bustling cityscape suddenly interrupted by a colossal meteor's fiery descent. The meteor, a monstrous mass of molten rock and metal, is depicted in the center of the frame, its fiery tail stretching across the entire sky, casting an eerie red and orange glow over the urban sprawl. Buildings of varying heights, from skyscrapers to residential houses, are shown in meticulous detail, their windows glinting with the reflection of the incoming catastrophe. The ground beneath the meteor's impact zone is already buckling and cracking, with a shockwave emanating outwards, reducing concrete and steel structures to rubble. Vehicles are tossed into the air like toys, their occupants mere specks in the chaos. Panic-stricken citizens, depicted in silhouettes, run for their lives in the streets, their shadows elongated by the intense light. The sky above is a tumult of smoke, flames, and debris, with a darkened horizon hinting at the impending destruction. In the foreground, a group of individuals huddle together, their faces a mix of shock and terror, as they witness the end of their world. The meteor itself is the epicenter of the chaos, a fiery behemoth that dwarfs everything else in the scene, embodying the raw power of an extinction-level event. The overall tone is one of stark terror and awe-inspiring devastation, capturing the split second before the city is obliterated.

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