"A chilling, apocalyptic landscape where a dark figure stands amidst a chaotic storm of swirling lightning, thunder, smoke, and magma. The ground is barren and desolate, as the sky above is engulfed in violent red storms. Demonic forces are bound to the figure, amplifying its overwhelming and terrifying presence. The air crackles with an eerie, unnatural glow, and the figure's eyes burn with a rage that seems otherworldly, glowing black and red like Darkseid's Omega beams. The figure has a powerful, Hell King-like presence, with long, thick hair styled like Sanji's 2019 Joker look, flowing back with dark and fiery red streaks. The figure is large, imposing, and fierce, unlike the previous version with short, thin hair. Dark horror-themed lightning VFX fill the scene, blending red, purple, and black, adding to the atmosphere of dread. A heavy sense of impending doom permeates the air, making the entire scene the darkest and most nightmarish imaginable. He is not like Sanji, and his hair is not short, thin, or poorly styled — where is the Hell King?"

imposing figure with the right hairstyle and the Hell King-like presence.

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