A futuristic cybernetic samurai, seated in a commanding pose, exuding an aura of power and intimidation. The figure is clad in striking red and black armor, intricately detailed with sharp mechanical elements and glowing highlights. The helmet features two large, curved horns and a menacing mask-like design, combining traditional samurai aesthetics with advanced robotics. The warrior's hands, covered in armored gloves with claw-like fingertips, are clasped together, radiating patience and control. A katana is sheathed at the side, its hilt adorned with futuristic details, while the scabbard displays cryptic symbols in white. The armor is a blend of smooth, matte finishes and polished metallic surfaces, accented with glowing red lines and battle-worn textures. Draped over the shoulders is a bold red cloak with subtle black patterns, enhancing the figure's imposing presence. The background is a dark, industrial space illuminated by red circular patterns, amplifying the cyberpunk and samurai fusion. The overall mood is one of discipline, mystery, and formidable strength.

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