A dramatic comic book cover titled "Celestial Mechanics: Chronicles of Saturno Butto." The background is a stark, black canvas with the faintest outlines of cosmic swirls and floating debris, reminiscent of a Frank Thorne black painting. In the foreground, a trio of angels are caught in mid-air, their forms composed of intricate machine aesthetics that blend organic curves with metallic sharpness. Saturno Butto, the central angel, has a powerful and androgynous figure with undefined anatomy that suggests both the grace of a classical statue and the precision of a finely-tuned gear system. The other two angels flank Saturno, one wielding a fiery sword, the other a gleaming shield emblazoned with the symbol of a planet. Their wings are a blend of feathers and mechanical components, fluttering in the non-existent wind, each wing a marvel of engineering. The light sources are obscure, casting deep, contrasting shadows that add a sense of mystery and depth to their chrome-like bodies. Saturno's eyes are piercing, with a glow that pierces the darkness, and their mouth is open in a silent, determined shout. The scene is an epitome of action, as the angels seem to be engaged in a fierce battle, their movements captured in a dynamic, almost balletic composition. The lithograph style gives the scene a timeless quality, yet the tension in their poses and the clanging of unseen metal suggest a moment frozen in time, on the brink of explosive motion. The cover exudes a gothic futurism that leaves the viewer eager to dive into the tumultuous narrative hidden within the pages of this unique graphic novel.