Poster for 'Batman: The Dark Night Returns' featuring a humorous twist on the iconic superhero. The central figure is Batman, depicted crouching in a dramatic pose, but with comically wide eyes, clutching a comically large flashlight in one hand and a glowing nightlight shaped like a bat in the other. His cape is wrapped around him like a security blanket, and his expression shows sheer terror. The Gotham City skyline looms in the background, but instead of its usual ominous glow, it's dotted with cheerful lights from buildings and streetlamps. The Bat-Signal in the sky is hilariously dim, as though struggling to stay lit. The bold title reads 'Batman: The Dark Night Returns,' with a playful tagline underneath: 'He's not afraid of criminals... just what goes bump in the night.' Faux credits at the bottom highlight ridiculous names like 'From the Studio That Brought You Caped Crusader Counseling' and 'A Bat-Scared Production.' The overall tone is lighthearted, blending superhero drama with absurd comedy