Attack on Titan, A high-resolution anime-style scene inspired by Attack on Titan, featuring Levi Ackerman mid-action. Levi has sharp, determined eyes with an intense gaze, his short black hair slightly messy, framing his face. He wears the Survey Corps uniform, complete with the white shirt, dark jacket, and the iconic green cloak with the Survey Corps emblem fluttering behind him. The ODM gear straps are tightly secured over his clothing, metal parts glinting in the dim light. Levi's blades are drawn, one in each hand, with precise, practiced grip as he moves through the air. Muscular, agile build, showing strength and precision. Dust and debris fill the air, with shattered buildings in the background, adding to the chaotic, intense atmosphere. Dark, moody lighting with rays of light cutting through the dust, highlighting Levi's determined expression as he prepares to strike,animeniji

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