manga, comic, monochrome,
First panel
A 16-year-old girl with long, straight, dark hair stands in front of her high school. She looks a bit nervous but excited, with a backpack on her shoulder.
Caption: "El primer dia de Batxillerat, un nou començament."
Jana (thinking): "És només un altre any... però tot se sent diferent."
Second panel
Jana walks down the school hallway, surrounded by students. Some faces are familiar, but most are new. She feels slightly out of place.
Caption: "Noves cares, noves classes... Què m'espera?"
Jana (thinking): "On és la meva aula?"
Third panel
Inside the classroom, Jana sits alone at a desk, watching as other students chat with each other. She seems unsure whether to join in.
Caption: "La mateixa història de sempre: primer dia, sense saber amb qui parlar."
Jana (thinking): "Potser m'hauria de presentar... O potser no..."
Fourth panel
A blonde girl approaches Jana, smiling, and extends her hand.
Laura: "Ei, tu ets nova, oi? Sóc la Laura!"
Jana: "Jo sóc la Jana... encantada!"
Caption: "Potser no serà tan difícil, al cap i a la fi."
Fifth panel
Jana and Laura are chatting happily when the bell rings, and the teacher enters the classroom. Jana seems more relaxed now.
Caption: "I així comença un nou capítol..."
Jana (thinking): "Potser el Batxillerat serà millor del que esperava."