Open Art AI I talked about that site yesterday it has a lot of Cons/Negative aspects like I would never generate there, the generations are like what we delt with before we had SD and XL where max generation size was 1024X1024, messed up eyes, grainy/high noise levels. OK now that was the negatives, here are 4 major things they do right I would love to see Tensor have and think should have! 1) The top tear PRO account there is unlimited takes credits out of the equation for $28 a month. 2) In the workshop area they have a Picture Edit area that works with any photos on your PC or in your generated area screen shot of the editor in Picture #2. 3) In the creation shop that have a tool area where there is a set of AI tools they provide the users that don't change because they are hosted by the website and not one a user made. I will go back to a tool I have used here only weeks ago, to find it is broken and no longer works or the user made private or find that the tool is just gone removed. Other sites have the exact same tools area and tools because you can get them on GitHub free. 4) For the last one they have a training area that provides users links to training so they can learn how to use Workflows, Comfy UI, the editing area and tools. In the training area users can also make posts with training links or videos they think will help others to learn AI Art. Since yesterday I have been watching some of the Comfy UI training videos, I found the link to in that area on that site.