This is an easy-to-use tool for making Christmas Postcard,
In Greetings Custom, you can write underscore or hyphen, (written in elegant "Merry_Christmas_name") or (written in elegant "Merry-Christmas-name"). Using underscore or hyphen is intended to ensure the output matches the desired spoken word
Elements button to add the decoration you need
Postcard type Button to add the type of postcard you want
Greetings button to add greetings that will be written, you can make it with your own costume, it's better
例: Christmas Ball, Postcard, written in elegant "Merry Christmas"
要素ボタン: 必要な装飾を追加するためのボタン
ポストカードタイプボタン: 作りたいポストカードのタイプを選べるボタン
挨拶ボタン: メッセージを自由に作成可能。「カスタム」デザインで作るとさらに素敵になります!