Fluxcore ~ GyroFlux



✨ Fluxcore ~ GyroFlux ✨

Now you can create breathtaking art with my fun Txt2Img Flux.1 interface, then

have it animated into a revolving spectacle, game asset, or emoji.

Fluxcore ~ GyroFlux will create your text prompt based image at 576*576

Hi-Res fix it at: 4xUltrasharp, then 2xUpscale it to: 1152*1152.

Then it will pass through the second part of the workflow to animate it.

Resulting in your upscaled Hi-res image & your animated Gif, both at 1152*1152.

This tool is designed as a bit of fun, for creating various artifacts, assets etc, not

for outright ultra-high quality output, but I'm sure the more talented of you out

there can get the absolute best from it.

Please kindly show it some💜and post all your fun creations too.

Love & digital kisses

