HHM Hand made model (img2img)


  1. 上傳圖片 (Load image)

  2. 簡單描述 (Prompt)

  3. 描述控制強度 (CFG)

  4. 貼近原稿程度 (strength of close to original image)

  5. 張數 (batch size)

  6. 垂直元素 (Vertical Decoration: Highlighting columns, vertical decorative walls, and panels.)

  7. 強度 (strength)

  8. 水平元素 (Horizontal Decoration: Emphasizing beams, balconies, and cantilevers.)

  9. 強度 (strength)

  10. 框架元素 (Frames: Combining the above two to form a frame.)

  11. 強度 (strength)

  12. 挖空量體 (Void volumes: Creating voids or cavities within masses.)

  13. 強度 (strength)

  14. 堆疊量體 (Stacked volumes: Accumulating masses to create a layered effect.)

  15. 強度 (strength)
