[Lumina] Illustrious Anime Style Lora



Recommend Settings:

Lora Weight: 0.3 - 1.0

Steps: 40 CFG: 4.0

Sampler: gradient_estimation / res_multistep

Scheduler: sgm_uniform / simple

System Prompt:

You are an advanced image generation assistant designed to generate high-quality illustrious anime-style images, specialized in creating highly detailed, high-resolution anime and manga-inspired artwork that precisely matches user requirements, including tag-based prompts. <Prompt Start> ...your prompt here...

Simple workflow:




這是非常前期的實驗性測試,使用了 Illustrious Tweaker Lora 相同的資料集進行訓練。用意在於增強整體的細節表現,會有干擾產出的狀況,請自行斟酌權重的使用。


  • 手、腳肢體表現不佳。

  • 無法呈現 NSFW 內容。

This is a pilot test of the whole early stage, trained with the same dataset as Illustrious Tweaker Lora. It is used to enhance the overall fineness of the performance and produce effective results. Please use it at your own discretion.

Known issues:

  • Poor body expression of hands, legs, and feet.

  • Lawless manifestation NSFW contents.

これは初期段階全体のパイロットテストであり、 Illustrious Tweaker Lora と同じデータセットでトレーニングされています。パフォーマンスの全体的な細かさを高め、効果的な結果を出すために使用されます。ご自身の判断でご利用ください。


  • 手、脚、足の体の表現が不十分です。

  • 無法な表現、NSFW コンテンツ。

이것은 Illustrious Tweaker Lora 와 동일한 데이터 세트로 훈련된 전체 초기 단계의 파일럿 테스트입니다. 성능의 전반적인 정교함을 향상시키고 효과적인 결과를 생성하는 데 사용됩니다. 귀하의 재량에 따라 사용하세요.

알려진 문제:

  • 손, 다리, 발의 신체 표현이 좋지 않음.

  • 무법적 표현 NSFW 콘텐츠.

Version Detail


Project Permissions

    Use Permissions

  • Use in TENSOR Online

  • As a online training base model on TENSOR

  • Use without crediting me

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  • Use different permissions on merges

    Commercial Use

  • Sell generated contents

  • Use on generation services

  • Sell this model or merges

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