If you like Symphonic Metal, Power Metal or Hard Rock including rock ballads, please consider buying my two albums Sisters of the Wicked and Danger Ahead. Also please check out my YouTube channel. I write all the songs and produce the music with AI and the art for the videos are done with my models. Civitai won't support creators, so any purchase is a real help. Thanks.
Sisters of the Wicked https://amazon.com/music/player/albums/B0DSJY3ZHY?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER&musicTerritory=US&ref=dm_sh_bZXyw28wKlUbUPo6FWQXMXFjj
Danger Ahead https://www.amazon.com/music/player/albums/B0DB2DV354
Music In The Machine https://www.youtube.com/@musicinthemachine/videos
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