FOCUS ON -Sexual Innuendo




FOCUS ON - 暗示 NSFW Sexual Innuendo LoRA

祝贺 majicFlus 麦橘超然 正式上线!

直达:majicFlus 麦橘超然 - v1.0 | Flux Checkpoint | Civitai


FOCUSON 系列 LoRA 发布前将会优先完成 majicFlus 本地适配!


元旦首发! HAPPY NEW YEAR's day

for RedCraft | 红潮 Relustion REVEAL ReFLEX

Base Models:

RedCraft | 红潮 - Reveal NSFW | Flux Checkpoint

The models in this link are in a parallel relationship, not version upgrades


The differents can be found in the 'About this version' section on the right

不同版本的说明在右侧的 ‘About this version’ 清单内

以下是模型列表 list of models

TURBO Reveal2 圣诞首发!Merry Christmas!

( HOTFix v2.1 uploaded - Enhance Lora adaptation )

是在Reveal NSFW的基础上结合更多人像做出的尝试!

Reveal2 Turbo 8-10steps

Combine more portraits based on Reveal NSFW

RedCraft | 红潮 CADS - Reveal2 TURBO

祝大家节日快乐!Wishing everyone a happy holiday!


Does not use any De-distilled weights

PONY Relustion 冬至首发 Winter Solstice Festival


RedCraft | 红潮 CADS - PONY Relustion

Creative priority design based on high-definition realistic style


MIST XL Hyper Character Style Model 角色风格模型加速版

感兴趣的朋友可以回顾一下全网首个 Hyper-PONY 超高速模型

Reveal NSFW

是FLUX.1 DEV规格的FP8 FT模型,主打男女爱情动作与人体艺术:

RedCraft | 红潮 CADS - Reveal NSFW

FLUX. 1 DEV FP8 FT model, featuring romantic actions and body art

Reveal3 ULTRA

是FLUX.1 DEV与反蒸馏技术结合实现的高画质版本迭代:

RedCraft | 红潮 CADS - Reveal3 uncensored

Reveal‘s high-definition update by De-Re-Distillation Quality Optimality

Relustion IL NSFW

是基于SDXL规格的全量训练模型 Illustrious XL 的写实化FT版本:

RedCraft | 红潮 CADS - Relustion IL NSFW

Realistic FT of Illustrious XL,full optimization based on SDXL

Relustion ULTRA

是在 Relustion IL 的基础上,进一步加强写实化的高清版本:

RedCraft | 红潮 CADS - Relustion ULTRA

a high-definition version that enhances realism on Reliability IL

Relustion XL

是在 SDXL CADS3 的基础上,结合NSFW训练集制作的高清量化版本:

RedCraft | 红潮 CADS - Relustion XL

It is a high-definition quantized version based CADS3 and combined

with the NSFW training set,Used for HD refine of FLUX and IL models

RASCH.1 / 2

是两个不同 Schnell 反蒸馏FT模型上,结合RED.1风格的高速模型:

RedCraft | 红潮 CADS - RASCH.2

RedCraft | 红潮 CADS - RASCH.1 Forge


Schnell NF4版本的二次元绘画模型,主打结构稳定与提示词还原准确:

RedCraft | 红潮 CADS - REFLEX NSFW

high-speed model mixed RED.1 on different Schnell De-distillation FT models

在保证提示词准确的基础上,De-Re-Distilled(DRD) Schnell模型兼顾了速度与质量



the De-Re-Distilled (DRD) Schnell model balances speed and quality

Moreover, the distillation model has natural stability , even the 4-bit quantified

6-10GB of video memory usage, 4-8 steps of image output, fast speed

(Especially suitable for artistic style creation and architectural decoration)

SOTA adaptive ability for NSFW !


Version Detail


Project Permissions

Model reprinted from :

Reprinted models are for communication and learning purposes only, not for commercial use. Original authors can contact us to transfer the models through our Discord channel --- #claim-models.

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