Dataset and parameters:
used 50 images of cyborgs, both male and female, whose faces and parts of their bodies remain human. (Generated by SD3.5L)
repeat: 8
epochs: 6
Because trained only on the mechanical parts, many things such as animals and fruits have been mechanized, but in the case of flowers, perhaps because the petals are recognized as faces, only the body parts such as the stem and vase have been mechanized. These can be mitigated to some extent by adding more mechanical prompts or adjusting the intensity of the LoRA.
Regarding compatibility with other LoRAs, I have the impression that lowering the strength to 0.5-0.6 tends to produce good results. Depending on the combination, 0.8 was also good.
If you want to bring out the characteristics of your original character, it is better to lower the LoRA's strength.
The problem is that even if you try to take a low angle, it doesn't low.
Depending on the combination with other LoRAs and the conditions, the angle can be low.
This is my first time creating a LoRA, so I'm sure there are still areas to improve, but I hope you will use it.
P.S. Something I noticed after using it for a while.
I have set trigger words, but honestly, I think not including them would increase versatility while retaining the details of LoRA...
顔や体の一部が人間のままである男性と女性のサイボーグの画像 50 枚を使用しました。(SD3.5Lで生成したものです)
機械的な部分だけを訓練したため、動物や果物など多くのものが機械化されていますが、花の場合は花びらを顔として認識しているためか、茎や花瓶など体にあたる部分だけが機械化されています。これらは、機械的な言葉(プロンプト)を追加したり、LoRA の強度を調整したりすることで、ある程度軽減できます。
追記 しばらく使って気づいた事。