"A dramatic close-up of a delicate butterfly soaring through the air, its wings shimmering in soft light. Clutched gently in its grasp is a rusty, worn gear, reflecting the fading glow of the surroundings. The contrast between the butterfly's fragile beauty and the heavy, corroded gear symbolizes the clash between delicacy and decay. The background is blurred, emphasizing the butterfly’s delicate flight and the stark, industrial nature of the rusted gear, creating a poignant
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Trained by Tensor
SD 1.5
"A dramatic close-up of a delicate butterfly soaring through the air, its wings shimmering in soft light. Clutched gently in its grasp is a rusty, worn gear, reflecting the fading glow of the surroundings. The contrast between the butterfly's fragile beauty and the heavy, corroded gear symbolizes the clash between delicacy and decay. The background is blurred, emphasizing the butterfly’s delicate flight and the stark, industrial nature of the rusted gear, creating a poignan
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