FantasyPOV (NSFW)




Note: Only SFW sample images will be shown, look at the gallery for NSFW images or on my personal page, as this platform favors SFW only upfront on any models.

CFG: 4, weight 0.6-0.8 (lora might be overbaked in some areas, so lighter sometimes works better)

This is a LORA designed for Lustify V2, still one of the most realistic SFW and NSFW capable models, with a training here that is focused exclusively on POV and also producing fantastical content like: catgirls, foxgirls, goblins, orcs, elves, cyberpunk, cyborg girls, demon girls etc. Use the stated tag keywords shown, and be sure to tag describe all the desired features as well such as "orc, green skin, pointy ears, fantasy, fantasy setting, castle". This LORA has tag commonality and subject commonality (such as elves) with my other SFW Lustify V2 LORA "neoteny" and they should work together.

Version Detail

SDXL 1.0
This is a LORA designed for Lustify V2, still one of the most realistic SFW and NSFW capable models, with a training here that is focused exclusively on POV and also producing fantastical content like: catgirls, foxgirls, goblins, orcs, elves, cyberpunk, cyborg girls, demon girls etc. Use the stated tag keywords shown, and be sure to tag describe all the desired features as well such as "orc, green skin, pointy ears, fantasy, fantasy setting, castle". This LORA has tag commonality and subject commonality (such as elves) with my other SFW Lustify V2 LORA "neoteny" and they should work together.

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