

Better use : 0.4 - 0.6

sampler : euler

scheduler : simple

cfg : 1

guidance : 2-4

step : 20-30


This model follows the Flux-1-dev-non-commercial-license agreement, for exchange and learning purposes only, not for commercial use.

The text content generated based on this model service is maintained by you and used after your independent judgment. You are required to use it in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and the terms of this service. You are responsible for any intellectual property issues arising from the generated content, and you are responsible for the generated content. I am not responsible for any losses caused by this. Unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations, no one may integrate this model service into any third-party software or service, nor may disclose the relevance of the generated content to this service to any other third party in any direct or indirect, explicit or implied manner; no one may use the model for commercial purposes (including but not limited to text-to-image, image-to-image, face swapping), you will bear the legal consequences of violating this agreement, and the author has the right to claim compensation from you for any losses caused to the author

Version Detail

Trained by Tensor
Virtual Girl Generate from CampurSari Model

Project Permissions

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  • Use in TENSOR Online

  • As a online training base model on TENSOR

  • Use without crediting me

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  • Use different permissions on merges

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  • Use on generation services

  • Sell this model or merges

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