PonyXL 32-in-1 character LoRA for Blue Lock. It has 32 main characters in dataset. It was tested on Autismmix (Confetti) and Ebara, it may also work on other Pony models.
Most of the time, character name (lowercase name on Wiki page) should be enough to retrieve the character, but sometimes you may need to add some more traits manually.
The training dataset is sourced from anime S1 screencaps and fan arts, processed by Waifuc and CCIP. Therefor, for less popular characters, due to lack of fan arts, they may suffer more style overfit from the anime so you may need to adjust LoRA weight accordingly.
Example uses / Character triggers:
アレクシス ネス: 1boy alexis ness
帝襟 アンリ: 1girl anri teieri
時光 青志: 1boy aoshi tokimitsu
成早 朝日: 1boy asahi naruhaya
乙夜 影汰: 1boy eita otoya white hair streaked hair hair between eyes green eyes
我牙丸 吟: 1boy gin gagamaru
五十嵐 栗夢: 1boy gurimu igarashi
千切 豹馬: 1boy hyoma chigiri
二子 一揮: 1boy ikki niko hair over eyes
雷市 陣吾: 1boy jingo raichi sharp teeth
絵心 甚八: 1boy jinpachi ego glasses
鰐間 淳壱: 1boy junichi wanima closed mouth
蟻生 十兵衛: 1boy jyubei aryu long hair
鰐間 計助: 1boy keisuke wanima
雪宮 剣優: 1boy kenyu yukimiya round eyewear
蜂楽 廻: 1boy meguru bachira
ミヒャエル・カイザー: 1boy michael kaiser
伊右衛門 送人: 1boy okuhito iemon
黒名 蘭世: 1boy ranze kurona side braid
國神 錬介: 1boy rensuke kunigami
御影 玲王: 1boy reo mikage
糸師 凛: 1boy rin itoshi
吉良 涼介: 1boy ryosuke kira white hair
士道 龍聖: 1boy ryusei shido
糸師 冴: 1boy sae itoshi
凪 誠士郎: 1boy seishiro nagi
馬狼 照英: 1boy shoei baro
久遠 渉: 1boy wataru kuon closed eyes
氷織 羊: 1boy yo hiori
潔 世一: 1boy yoichi isagi
今村 遊大: 1boy yudai imamura
剣城 斬鉄: 1boy zantetsu tsurugi glasses black hair