コスプレエリア撮影風景 / Cosplay area shooting scenery SDXL




To all the doujinshi circle authors and fiercely dedicated people around Japan, how are you doing? The summer ComicMarket season is approaching... 日本各地の同人サークル作者のみなさん、猛者のみなさん、元気でお過ごしですか?夏コミのシーズンが近づいてまいりました。

This is a LoRA that could possibly depict a cosplay photo-like scene at the West 4 Rooftop Exhibition Hall and Disaster Prevention Park. これは西4屋上展示場と防災公園でのコスプレ撮影っぽい風景をもしかすると描くことができるかもしれないLoRAです。

Prompt (rooftop exhibition hall / 屋上展示場)

comiket_cosplay, N4, 6+boys, crowd, multiple boys, black hair, outdoors, multiple girls, jacket, day, hood, holding, bag, cellphone, hat, taking picture, camera, holding phone, 6+girls, building, short hair, mask, long hair, mouth mask, gloves, city, pants, holding camera, smartphone, blonde hair, street, hoodie, backpack, police, skirt, shirt, short sleeves, glasses

Prompt (disaster prevention park. / 防災公園)

comiket_cosplay_Hiroba,, camera, 6+boys, outdoors, sportswear, baseball cap, holding camera, multiple boys, backpack, sky, bag, day, crowd, taking picture, hat, blue sky, holding, skirt, baseball uniform, shirt, white shirt, photo background, stadium, backwards hat, multiple girls, standing, scenery, watch

Version Detail

SDXL 1.0

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