水果妹子/Fruit girl




01.Cherry → Active efforts

02. Mango → Express yourself

03.Strawberry → Self-absorbed

04. Watermelon → Contentment

05. Water Pear → Be lawful and disciplined

06. Lian Wu → Don’t stand out

07. Red Apple → Build a solid dream

08. Green Apple → Monk


10. Banana → Actively realize your dream

11. Lychee → Act low-key and succeed in hard work

12. Peach → Be brave enough to give

13. Little Tomato → No ambition

14. Sakyamuni → Smart, deep city

15. Pineapple → Enthusiasm, chicken mother-in-law

16. Liu Ding → Easy to get along with

17. Grapefruit → → Gentleman

18. Star fruit → Positive stubbornness

19. Papaya → Revolutionary

20. Longan → Hardworking and uncomplaining

21. Dates → Favorite of herbivorous men and women, introverted and careless

22. Meinonggua → Hermit

23. Kiwi Fruit → Down to Earth

24. Orange → Enjoy yourself

25. Red-meat cantaloupe → Many speculators

26. Green cantaloupe → The hero behind the scenes

27. Hard Guava→Chong Chong Chong

28. Soft Guava → Kind old man (wise, not motivated, afraid of loneliness)

29. Loquat→Character of grassroots employees

30. Dragon fruit → simple goal

31. Sweet persimmon → Character of grassroots supervisor

32. Soft persimmon → withdrawn

33. Pomegranate → Priest Character

34. Passion fruit → precise vision

35. Green orange → careful thinking

36. Jackfruit → bad guy

Version Detail

SD 1.5
01.櫻桃   → 積極努力 02.芒果   → 表現自我 03.草莓   → 自我陶醉 04.西瓜   → 知足常樂 05.水梨   → 安分守紀 06.連霧   → 不強出頭 07.紅蘋果  → 築夢踏實 08.青蘋果  → 出家人 09.葡萄   → 領袖性格 10.香蕉   → 積極圓夢 11.荔枝   → 行事低調,奮鬥有成 12.水蜜桃  → 勇於付出 13.小番茄  → 胸無大志 14.釋迦   → 聰明、城府深 15.鳳梨   → 熱心、雞婆 16.柳丁   → 好相處 17.柚子   → 正人君子 18.楊桃   → 正向固執 19.木瓜   → 革命家 20.龍眼   → 任勞任怨 21.棗子   → 草食男女最愛、內向不計較 22.美濃瓜  → 隱士 23.奇異果  → 腳踏實地 24.橘子   → 自得其樂 25.紅肉哈密瓜→ 多投機客 26.綠肉哈密瓜→ 幕後英雄 27.硬芭樂→衝衝衝 28.軟芭樂→慈祥老人(有智慧、沒動力、怕寂寞) 29.枇杷→基層員工性格 30.火龍果→目標單純 31.甜柿→基層主管性格 32.軟柿→孤僻 33.石榴→牧師性格 34.百香果→眼光精準 35.綠橘子→思考縝密 36.波蘿蜜→爛好人 01.Cherry → Active efforts 02. Mango → Express yourself 03.Strawberry → Self-absorbed 04. Watermelon → Contentment 05. Water Pear → Be lawful and disciplined 06. Lian Wu → Don’t stand out 07. Red Apple → Build a solid dream 08. Green Apple → Monk 09.Grapes→Leadership 10. Banana → Actively realize your dream 11. Lychee → Act low-key and succeed in hard work 12. Peach → Be brave enough to give 13. Little Tomato → No ambition 14. Sakyamuni → Smart, deep city 15. Pineapple → Enthusiasm, chicken mother-in-law 16. Liu Ding → Easy to get along with 17. Grapefruit → → Gentleman 18. Star fruit → Positive stubbornness 19. Papaya → Revolutionary 20. Longan → Hardworking and uncomplaining 21. Dates → Favorite of herbivorous men and women, introverted and careless 22. Meinonggua → Hermit 23. Kiwi Fruit → Down to Earth 24. Orange → Enjoy yourself 25. Red-meat cantaloupe → Many speculators 26. Green cantaloupe → The hero behind the scenes 27. Hard Guava→Chong Chong Chong 28. Soft Guava → Kind old man (wise, not motivated, afraid of loneliness) 29. Loquat→Character of grassroots employees 30. Dragon fruit → simple goal 31. Sweet persimmon → Character of grassroots supervisor 32. Soft persimmon → withdrawn 33. Pomegranate → Priest Character 34. Passion fruit → precise vision 35. Green orange → careful thinking 36. Jackfruit → bad guy

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