




ヾ(•ω•')o, This is a 2.5D model, it's also the first model I fused after AI drawing,ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

For different negative prompt words and quality words have a big difference in physical performance ability, if you are not sure what to use, just copy the negative of the example picture, note, this is not necessarily the best, please don't be limited by it, use your imagination, I wish you fun! Please pay attention to the version information on the right.

Version Detail

SD 1.5
重新融了第八版, 较上一版写实风格减弱, 更加贴合 2.5D 的设定. 模型画出的人物拥有极致的容颜和较好的肢体. 包含 84000 VAE, 无特殊需求不需要更换. ---------- I merged the eighth version of it, this version has low realistic style than last version, it is more like 2.5D style. Characters on the pictures which generated by the model have delicate face and better limbs. It includes the 84000 VAE, DO NOT change it unless you have other requirements.

Project Permissions

    Use Permissions

  • Use in TENSOR Online

  • As a online training base model on TENSOR

  • Use without crediting me

  • Share merges of this model

  • Use different permissions on merges

    Commercial Use

  • Sell generated contents

  • Use on generation services

  • Sell this model or merges

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