🌟 Trained specifically for style mixing on Safe For Work (SFW) dataset.
🔹 Text Encoder (strongly reliant on U-Net architecture):
🔹 Lora Model:
Trained using the CivitAI trainer.
Underwent training for 16 epochs.
Performance: Lora showcases stable diffusion in XL settings.
🔹 Lycoris Models:
Configured using this preset from LyCORIS, but with our custom tweaks.
Trained on 8xA6000 GPUs.
Underwent 20-40 epochs with a batch size of 20.
Module Type Breakdown:
LohaModule: 176
LoConModule: 150
FullModule: 26
LokrModule: 700
🏆 Comparison:
CivitAI's Lora stands out in our tests, but we've yet to explore its full potential in style mixing with other models.
Feedback, collaboration, and tests are welcome! 🤟 🥃