Blue Archive All in One | Character Lora 62975



<p>Lora trained on 62975 images of <strong>Blue Archive Characters</strong></p><p>This is missing a few characters and only has 86 characters in total.</p><p><strong>This took me over 24 hours to make since I only have a 3070ti 8gb.</strong></p><p>I release all my models for free, if you feel like supporting me and my work you can support me <a target="_blank" rel="ugc" href=""><u>here</u> </a>and buy me a drink.</p><p><span style="color:rgb(193, 194, 197)">Please note that some characters may not come out perfectly due to not individually being able to select the epochs since this is a combined training and not a merge. If you find this to be the case use the individual character model instead.</span></p><h3 id="heading-2">Default Prompts:</h3><p>yuzudef, yuukadef, yoshimidef, wakamodef, uidef, tsurugidef, tsukuyodef, tsubakidef, tokidef, saoridef, miyudef, mikadef, maridef, kokonadef, koharudef, shizukodef, shirokodef, shiguredef, serinadef, serikadef, senadef, sayadef, sakurakodef, sakidef, nonomidef, nerudef, natsudef, nagisadef, mutsukidef, momokadef, momoidef, moedef, miyakodef, misakidef, minedef, mimoridef, midoridef, michirudef, megudef, mashirodef, marinadef, makidef, koyukidef, kotoridef, kazusadef, kayokodef, karindef, kannadef, kahodef, kaededef, junkodef, izunadef, izumidef, irohadef, ioridef, hoshinodef, hiyoridef, hinatadef, hinadef, himaridef, hifumidef, hibikidef, hasumidef, harunadef, harukadef, haredef, hanakodef, hanaedef, fuukadef, fubukidef, eimidef, chisedef, chinatsudef, chihirodef, cherinodef, azusadef, ayanedef, atsukodef, asunadef, arudef, akaridef, airidef, shundef, arisdef, akodef, akanedef</p><p></p><h3 id="heading-11">Alternative Outfit Prompts:</h3><p>akanebun, asunabunny, asunaschool, hasumigym, hibikicheer, hifumiswim, hinaswim, hoshinoswim, ioriswim, izunaswim, karinbunny, marigym, nerubunny, nonomiswim, shirokocycling, shirokoswim, shirokoterror, tokibunny, wakamoswim, yuukagym, azusabeach, chiseswim, hinawhite, karincasual, kayokonewyear, miyuswim, mutsukinewyear, sakurakojustina, serikaswim, tokisuit, hinapajama, shizukoswim, ayaneswim, fuukakim, hanaexmas, hanakoswim, harukakim, harunakim, kotoricheer, mashiroswim, serinaxmas, tsurugiswim, arisbunny, arismaid, arunewyear, chinatsuspring, junkonewyear, koharutrack, serikanewyear, yuzumaid, cherinoswim, izumiswim, serinanurse, shigurespring, marijustina, sayacasual, arissailor, atsukounder, harunagym, mariswim, yuukaflight, aruclip, asunacheer, azusasport, harunaswim, koharuswim, yuukaidol, koyukibunny, miyubunny, azusadress, miyugym, arischeer,</p><p></p><h3 id="heading-12">Random Prompts:</h3><p>yuzurnd, yuukarnd, yoshimirnd, wakamornd, uirnd, tsurugirnd, tsukuyornd, tsubakirnd, tokirnd, saorirnd, miyurnd, mikarnd, marirnd, kokonarnd, koharurnd, shizukornd, shirokornd, shigurernd, serinarnd, serikarnd, senarnd, sayarnd, sakurakornd, sakirnd, nonomirnd, nerurnd, natsurnd, nagisarnd, mutsukirnd, momokarnd, momoirnd, moernd, miyakornd, misakirnd, minernd, mimorirnd, midorirnd, michirurnd, megurnd, mashirornd, marinarnd, makirnd, koyukirnd, kotorirnd, kazusarnd, kayokornd, karinrnd, kannarnd, kahornd, kaedernd, junkornd, izunarnd, izumirnd, iroharnd, iorirnd, hoshinornd, hiyorirnd, hinatarnd, hinarnd, himarirnd, hifumirnd, hibikirnd, hasumirnd, harunarnd, harukarnd, harernd, hanakornd, hanaernd, fuukarnd, fubukirnd, eimirnd, chisernd, chinatsurnd, chihirornd, cherinornd, azusarnd, ayanernd, atsukornd, asunarnd, arurnd, akarirnd, airirnd, shunrnd, arisrnd, akornd, akanernd</p><p></p><p>Trained on NAI, gen'd on AOM2 hard</p>

Version Detail

SD 1.5

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