Hiroi Kikuri (Bocchi the Rock)



<p>Model of the perpetually drunk bassist from Bocchi the Rock!</p><h3>v2 Release</h3><p>Improved a lot on the finer details and consistency while mostly retaining the flexibility of the prior version.</p><p>Also, teeth work a lot better now. You should still use some auxiliary models to improve results, but even out of the box they look pretty decent more regularly now.</p><h3>v1 Release</h3><p>Outside of her teeth this seems to be working pretty well. By default the model will somehow avoid teeth altogether, but her usual sharp teeth kind of come off somewhere between noisy and nightmarish. If you're hellbent on including those, choosing a more anime-style or less realistic model and maybe including a LoRA to improve the overall appearance of sharp teeth may help (possibly).</p><p>Other than the activation tag, using <strong>green dress</strong> should work well to add her signature outfit.</p><p></p>

Version Detail

SD 1.5
&lt;p&gt;Increased the network dimension by a decent margin. The dataset is fairly large, so I should have probably done this from the start.&lt;/p&gt;

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