Victoria's Secret 维多利亚的秘密







出维多利亚的秘密的Prompt:high heels,necklace,fashion show,victoria's secret,runway,model,stage,stage show 等等,自己发挥去吧,欢迎返图


警察之类的Prompt police,police station,police uniform



--欢迎一起讨论炼丹技巧 QQ讨论群:98731411

You can use this Lora to create Victoria's Secret-style characters

Train model "realisticVisionV40_v40VAE," which also performs well on other large realistic models.

Prompt: RVMT

For Victoria's Secret style, use prompts like:high heels, necklace, fashion show, Victoria's Secret, runway, model, stage, stage show, etc.

Feel free to be creative, and you're welcome to share the results.

For other styles:

  • Police-style prompt: police, police station, police uniform.

  • Nurse-style prompt: nurse, hospital.

You can explore other characters as well. Remember to share the images.

Version Detail

SD 1.5
你可以用这个lora来创造维多利亚的秘密风格的人物与内衣 训练模型realisticVisionV40_v40VAE,在其他真实大模型下也可以出很好的效果 Prompt:RVMT 出维多利亚的秘密的Prompt:high heels,necklace,fashion show,victoria's secret,runway,model,stage,stage show 等等,自己发挥去吧,欢迎返图 出其他风格的Prompt: 警察之类的Prompt police,police station,police uniform 护士之类的Prompt:nurse,hospital 其他角色你都可以尽情去测试,但是记得返图 --欢迎一起讨论炼丹技巧 QQ讨论群:98731411 You can use this Lora to create Victoria's Secret-style characters Train model "realisticVisionV40_v40VAE," which also performs well on other large realistic models. Prompt: RVMT For Victoria's Secret style, use prompts like:high heels, necklace, fashion show, Victoria's Secret, runway, model, stage, stage show, etc. Feel free to be creative, and you're welcome to share the results. For other styles: •Police-style prompt: police, police station, police uniform. •Nurse-style prompt: nurse, hospital. You can explore other characters as well. Remember to share the images.

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  • As a online training base model on TENSOR

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  • Use different permissions on merges

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  • Sell this model or merges

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