"A hyper-realistic, ultra-detailed ninja-inspired mecha robot, blending stealth and futuristic technology in a sleek, deadly design. The robot’s body is constructed from matte black and silver alloy panels with subtle red accents glowing faintly along its joints and edges. Its armor is streamlined, allowing for silent and agile movement, and adorned with intricate engravings resembling traditional Japanese ninja patterns. The headpiece features a sharp, mask-like design with a glowing crimson visor that flickers like a predator scanning its surroundings.The mecha is equipped with dual energy katanas strapped to its back, their blades glowing with an eerie blue light, and arm-mounted retractable shurikens that emit a faint neon glow as they spin. The legs are enhanced with hydraulic boosters for high-speed dashes and wall-scaling abilities, while its hands are fitted with retractable claws for precise, close-combat attacks.The backdrop is a neon-lit, rain-soaked rooftop in a futuristic Japanese city, with glowing billboards and holographic cherry blossoms scattered in the misty air. The mecha crouches low, poised for a deadly strike, with its energy katanas reflecting the vibrant city lights. Lightning flashes in the distance, illuminating the mechanical intricacies of its design, emphasizing its deadly precision and the perfect fusion of ancient ninja tradition and cutting-edge robotics."