"A futuristic, cybernetic female warrior with a striking and commanding presence, depicted against a bold red and black backdrop with Japanese kanji characters. She has short, sharp white hair that frames her pale face, adorned with subtle makeup and a cold, intense gaze. Her body is an advanced blend of human and machine, featuring a sleek, metallic exoskeleton with high-tech joints, exposed circuits, and mechanical components. The design of her armor is elegant yet intimidating, with a polished silver finish accented by black and red details, emphasizing both strength and aesthetic precision. She wears a dramatic, high-ranking military-style cap, decorated with intricate metallic embellishments and gears, suggesting a role of authority or leadership. Draped over her shoulders is a flowing red cape, adding a sense of grandeur and movement to the composition. In her gloved hand, she holds an ornate, double-edged sword with a golden hilt, its blade gleaming and exuding power. The lighting is stark and dramatic, with reflections highlighting the metallic surfaces of her body, while shadows and the bold red tones in the background add depth and intensity to the scene, creating a striking blend of cyberpunk and militaristic dystopian aesthetics."