"A serene and elegant 3D anime-style young woman of Chinese heritage, depicted in an ancient-inspired setting. Her delicate features are framed by her soft, glowing skin, and her long black hair is styled in a traditional updo adorned with intricate gold ornaments. She wears an exquisite silk gown embroidered with delicate floral patterns in white and gold, exuding a sense of refinement and poise. Her expression is calm, with closed eyes, radiating tranquility and spirituality. The environment features a softly lit, ornate temple interior with golden statues and warm natural light filtering through decorative screens, creating a meditative ambiance. A pink lotus flower rests in her hands, its petals subtly glowing with a magical aura, enhancing the ethereal feel of the scene. Subtle floating particles of light and dust add to the realism, as well as the detailed texture of her clothing and the gentle reflection of light off her golden jewelry. Captured with cinematic depth of field, emphasizing the character while the intricate background blurs slightly for a photorealistic effect."