This is a CGI image of a salamander, an imaginative blend of lizard and gecko features, set against a lush, moonlit forest backdrop. The tropical reptilian is perched on a curved, vine-like branch that extends upward, adorned with a delicate, translucent bell-shaped flower. The night prowler has a sleek, blue-green scaly body with darker spots and a long, segmented tail that glows with a soft, warm light, likely mimicking the bioluminescence of fireflies. Its head features two prominent antennae, and has large, expressive eyes are wide open, giving it an inquisitive, almost curious expression. The background is a blur of deep greens and blues, creating a serene and mystical atmosphere. The play of light and shadow is masterfully done, with soft highlights and deep shadows that enhance the texture of the scaly chameleon skin blending into the surrounding foliage.