Two vibrant, intricately detailed birds, crafted from colorful paper quilling, perched on a delicate branch adorned with stylized leaves and blossoms. The birds, symmetrical in their design, showcase a mixture of vivid orange, vibrant blue, and soft pink hues, created with meticulous, overlapping paper strips. The birds' feathers are a mesmerizing array of colorful gradients. The paper's delicate texture, formed into feather-like and floral patterns, is prominent. The branch, a deep brown, gracefully curves around the birds, supporting the colorful array of leaves and blossoms, which are also constructed from meticulously cut and formed paper strips in various shades of red, orange and yellow. The background is plain white, highlighting the intricate artistry of the cut paper elements. The overall composition presents a detailed, natural, and lively scene in a style reminiscent of decorative prints. The rendering is exquisite, showcasing a precise and meticulously crafted artistry. paper quilling style, detailed artistic rendering, floral elements, vibrant colors, fine line work, art deco, ornate style, close-up perspective., Papercut artwork