"A dark and enigmatic figure, blending elements of fantasy and futuristic design, stands with an imposing presence. The character wears a flowing, tattered cloak in a muted red hue, draped over sleek, black, biomechanical armor. The armor is intricate, with sharp, angular shapes and glowing red highlights that suggest an otherworldly energy source. The figure’s face is obscured by a white, featureless mask or helmet, adding a sinister and mysterious aura. They wield a massive, ornate scythe with a black and red blade, its jagged, mechanical design emphasizing both elegance and lethality. The scythe is detailed with glowing red accents, mirroring the figure’s armor. The overall composition is minimalistic, with a light, neutral background that accentuates the dramatic contrast of dark and red tones, highlighting the character’s ominous and commanding demeanor."