Highly detailed cyberpunk cyborg anime character sheet depicting a female character with intricate mechanical enhancements. The character has short black hair with subtle highlights and wears intricate gears, wires, and metal parts around her face and upper body. Her face is adorned with futuristic tattoos, including symbols and kanji characters across her forehead. The design of her cybernetic armor is inspired by steampunk, featuring detailed rivets, cogs, and tubes in bronze and copper tones. Her eyes are intense and slightly glowing, and her expression is serious yet contemplative. Small red lights are embedded in various parts of the armor to give it a technological feel. The background is industrial, with additional mechanical parts and gears. The image should be in a dark, moody color palette with emphasis on contrast and intricate textures. Render in high resolution in an ultra-realistic style capturing every last detail of the mechanical parts.fdesign-like